weimar Flashcards
parties in the first coalition government
SPD, DDP, Zentrum
reparations bill
132 billion marks
cost of a loaf of bread at the height of hyperinflation
200 billion marks (november)
when did the cost of printing a note become higher than its value?
autumn 1923
stresemann’s new currency and when it was introduced
nov 1923, rentenmark
when did germany join the league of nations
what % of the 1928 vote was for pro-weimar parties?
when did agriculture start to decline?
weimar art movements
bauhaus, new objectivity
dawes plan
800 million mark loan, introduced 1924
young plan
reduced total reparations by 2/3, 1929
wall st crash month
october 1929
unemployment number in 1932
6 million
date hitler was appointed as chancellor
30 jan 1933
number of widows post-ww1
% of land lost in tov
% of population lost in tov
% of coal lost in tov
war guilt clause- number
communist revolts- names and dates
jan 1919- spartacist uprising
apr 1919- bavarian soviet
mar 1920- ruhr uprising
right wing revolts- names and dates
mar 1920- kapp putsch
nov 1923- munich putsch
minimum unemployment across the whole of stresemann’s leadership
1.3 million
capacity of the unemployment system
nsdap seats in all elections
1928- 12
1930- 107
jul 1932- 230
nov 1932- 196
what % of the july 1932 vote was for pro-weimar parties?
kpd seats in all elections
1928- 54
1930- 77
jul 1932- 89
nov 1932- 100
how much did exports rise while stresemann was in power?
when did the mark start to decline?
spring 1921
what did stresemann do about pre-1923 inflation?
encouraged it- would help gain foreign loans etc
who had initially encouraged american economic support?
who drafted the weimar constitution and why was he significant?
preuss- he was jewish
examples of people who supported the locarno pact
chamberlain, mussolini
treaty signed with russia- name date aims
treaty of rapallo
renounced territorial and financial claims with the ussr
emergency powers article
how many times was the article used in 1923-4?
63 by ebert
examples of post war chaos
post war economic problems led to rioting, looting, theft etc that the police couldn’t handle- often left to right-wing paramilitaries
post ww1 production compared to pre
where was land lost from in the tov?
west prussia, poland and Czechoslovakia
number of different cabinets and why its not acc as bad as it sounds
20- but a lot of them had the same members
how long did the longest government last
18 months
may 24 nazi seats
no of houses built during the golden years
3 million
nazi party reorganisation
farming wages vs national avg
company that gave nazis half their election funds in 1933
ig farben
radio % by 1939