nazis Flashcards
reichstag fire- date, perpetrator
27 feb 1933, van der lubbe (dutch communist)
fire decree
‘decree for the protection of the people and the state’
what were trade unions replaced with?
daf- headed by robert ley
night of the long knives- deaths
when did hindenburg die?
aug 1934
propaganda film example
‘the eternal jew’, compared jewish people to rats, utilised the ‘hoarding wealth’ stereotype
how many visitors per day did the ‘eternal jew’ exhibition attract, where was it held?
5,000, german museum in munich
terror in the court system example
judges being instructed to distribute harsh sentences
removal of any judge who didn’t comply with nazi wishes
no of gestapo agents
how much did schleicher invest in public work schemes?
1 billion marks
proportion of products being imported at the start of the war
by how much did unemployment drop 1933-39?
5.56 million
how many men did the voluntary labour service employ?
1933-37- drop in women in employment
how many political opponents had been placed in camps by 1939?
when did real wages rise abobe 1928 levels?
problems with the daf
couldn’t strike, also wanted to represent the employer- quite literally was the opposite of the trade unions it replaced
subsidiaries of the daf
beauty of labour- attempted to improve working conditions- campaigned for better work hygiene/ventilation etc
kdf (strength through joy)- gave workers subsidised holidays, discounted concerts etc
unemployment in 1935
2 million
by how much did government spending rise 1933-36?
examples of bilateral trade agreements
25 countries, inc many in south america
interest rate on mefo bills
by how much did schacht increase production?
over 50%
average vs desired number of children per marriage
2 vs 4
pay rises for big business owners
up to 70%
nuremburg race laws- date and examples
sept 1935, ‘reich citizenship act’ ‘law for the protection of german blood and honour’
no of men sterilised
date enabling act passed
23 mar 1933
establishment of 1 party state- name and month
the law against the establishment of parties, july 1933
no of times cabinet met in 1933 and 36
72, 4
how many pastors supported the confessional church?
how many joined the german faith movement?
increase in car industry
increase in state spending under the new plan
no of women still in the workforce by 1939
7.1 million
hitler youth membership 1933 vs 36
1%, 60%
what was the reich entailed farm law?
prevented the establishment of large scale farms
how many jewish people had left germany by 1939?
what did communist international call the nazis in 1935?
‘common enemy’
when was thalmann imprisoned?
resistance group that helped jews to safety
red orchestra
youth opposition examples
schink (him and 12 other eidelweiss pirates hung in 1944)
hand and sophie scholl- white rose- both hung in 1943
letter the pope sent out in 1937
‘with burning concern’- hitler siezed 12 presses and removed every copy he could find following this
examples of intellectual opposition
wegner- arrested
gerlich- arrested, killed in notlk
non-compliance of workers
calling in sick, damaging machinery, working slowly to delay project completion
litten (opposition)
lawyer who represented opponents of nazism
proved that hitler had encouraged sa violence in a 1931 trial
killed himself in 1938 after 5 years of interrogation
what was the reichsbanner?
group by members of moderate parties (spd, zentrum, ddp) that wanted to maintain democracy
also disliked kpd so no unity
reichsbanner members
3 million
galen- sermons
3 in 1941
tons of buna produced in 1938
38-42 increase in iron
900 tons
still less than target
38-42 increase in oil
4 mil gallons
still under half of target
unemployment by the time war broke out
lebensraum births
no of gays arrested
name of the company that controlled radios
reich radio company
names of things that controlled media
editor’s law 1933- papers
reich chamber of literature
‘weekly review’ had to be at all film showings
proportion of pastors that supported the confessional church
7 of 17k, or just over 1/3
banned religioussy things
closure of church schools
crosses replaced w swastikas
banning of nativities
name of the public work scheme thing
reich labour service
ban on women from work and education- specific
no married women in professional jobs
girls entering higher ed limited 1934
girls couldnt take latin so couldnt go to uni
how many women went back to work between 1937 and 9
1.4 million
how many adolf hitler schools were established
board that made teachers be reliable
national socialist teachers league
ex of race laws
started w ‘restoration of the professional civil service’ in 1933
nuremberg race laws 1935
closure and sale of jewish businesses 1938
jews sent to concentration camps after kristallnacht
no of gypsies deported in 1939
what did nazis do wrong w farmers
price controls so no benefit from food shortages
reich entailed farm law