Weight Management Flashcards
- Impact on performance
- Aesthetics/body image
- Weight classifications for competition
- Changing body composition
weight management concerns for athletes
• Approximately __ of general
population is overweight.
___ correlates significantly with body
fatness but doesn’t measure body
composition or fat distribution.
portion of body weight that is fat.
Fat mass (FM):
fat found in body essential to the
normal structure and functioning (internal
organs, CNS, bone marrow).
Essential fat:
• (adipose tissue)
Nonessential (storage) fat:
Weight of all body
substances except fat.
Fat-free mass (FFM):
FFM plus essential fat
Lean body mass (LBM):
% of total body weight that is FM.
• % Body fat:
- Underwater weighing (densitometry)
- Air displacement plethysmography
- Dual X-ray absorptiometry
- Bioelectrical impedance analysis
- Skinfold measurement
body composition measures
Physical activity %
Thermic effect of food: fuel to process the food we eat
Resting energy expenditure
Change in energy stores = energy in – energy out
Energy budget:
• Energy in:
Foods and beverages
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
• Lifestyle and voluntary activities
• Thermic effect of food
Energy out
Calorie needs:
• Monitor activity and weight
- 4 kcals/gram (proteins and carbohydrates)
- 9 kcals/gram (fats)
- 7 kcals/gram (alcohol)
- Food records
- 24-hour dietary recall
- Food frequency questionnaires
Energy (dietary) intake assessment:
• Indirect calorimetry
• Regression equations (Most practical
and widely used method)
Determining energy expenditure:
1 pound of fat = ____ Calories**
Recommended rate of loss:
1-2 lbs/wk or 5-10% bodyweight over 6
____ (rate at which your body burns calories to keep you alive)
decreases with weight loss.
___ cost drops when you become lighter.
Reduce calorie intake by ____-____ calories/day or decrease
calories and increase PA (Use goal setting-short and long term).
3 way to reduce calorie intake?
• Macros: CHO (essential to sport performance), PRO (satiety
and maintain muscle mass), and FAT (lower fat; not fat free).
• Portion control
• Meal planning
- Physiological
- Environmental
- Social / Cultural
- Emotional
increase exercise/activity. • Set short- and long-term goals. • Encourage self-monitoring: • Food diaries • Exercise/training logs • Sport performance
If a person exercises appropriately, eats a
balanced diet that meets protein and
carbohydrate needs, and moderately
restricts calories, the body will use ___ ___
stored fat
for energy.
Dehydration • Electrolyte imbalances • Strain on CV System • Hypoglycemia • Decline in mental acuity
Cutting weight rapidly
• Sacrifices protein in its lean tissue
• To prevent death, the body converts fat
to ketones to help feed the nervous
system and help spare tissue protein.
without food for 3 days
- No less than 1000-1,200 Calories/day
- 10-35% Fat
- At least 130 gms of CHO’s
- PRO dependent on activity and body weight
- Provide 100% DV’s (if supplement)
- Volumetrics concepts
- Reduction in loss of LBM to 5%
- Prevent some decrease in REE
- Aerobic and Resistance
Combination of diet, exercise, and behavior modification
restrictive dieting, over exercising, weight loss, lack of body fat, loss of calcium from bones, diminished hormones
Decreased fat-free mass (i.e., muscle) • Dehydration • Glycogen depletion • Negative hormonal disturbances • Gastrointestinal problems due to laxative use
Physical Effects
• Anxiety • Inability to sleep • Decreased concentration • Poor exercise performance • Increased risk for overuse injuries
Physical effects of eating disorders In athletes
- Physical activity
- Resistance training
- High-calorie diet
- Increased daily caloric intake
- Portion sizes
- Meal spacing
- High energy density foods
- Adequate protein
- Portion sizes and meal spacing
Strategies for weight gain
• Regular participation in a resistance training program • Achieving a positive energy balance • Achieving a positive nitrogen balance
Train for hypertrophy
- 8 to 12 reps/set
- 3 to 5 sets/muscle group
- 2 to 3 times/week
____ - _____calories = ~ 1 pound of muscle
2,300 to 3,600
Optimal rate of weight gain is ~ __-__
per week
1/2 to 1pound
Protein intake = __-__ g/kg body weight
1.4 to 2.0
Consume fluids after meals. • Avoid carbonated beverages. • Have small frequent meals/snacks. • Consume a variety of nutrient/energy dense foods. • Use sports drinks instead of water. • Include bedtime snacks
Tips for weight gain