Weight And Balance Flashcards
What should be done concerning fuel when performing weight and balance?
Drain the fuel system until only unusable fuel remains, or fill the tanks full and subtract out the weight of the usable fuel.
What is the purpose of aircraft W&B?
Safety and maximum performance.
How would you determine the EWCG of an aircraft if all W&B records are missing?
The aircraft must be weighted and a new W&B records must be computed and recorded.
What is the datum?
It is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal mesurements are taken.
How is the arm of an item of equipament obtained when computing aircraft W&B?
Measuring the distance between the item and the datum.
How is the moment of item of equipament obtainded when computing aircraft W&B?
Weight x Arm = Moment
What is a tare weight and how is it handled when making W&B calculations?
Is the weight of all extra items, jacks, blocks, chocks on the weighting process scale plataforms and subtracted from the final results of the weighting.
What is an aircraft loading graph?
A method for determining load distribution to keep the weight and operating C.G. within approved range.
Why is accurate up-to-date empty weight center of gravity data so important?
Because all other W&B calculations are based on EWCG.
Why is aircraft category a fator when computing W&B ?
A/C certificated in both normal and utility categories have TWO useful loads due to different gross weights.
How is a positive (plus) moment obtained aft the datum?
Add weight.
(+weight).(+arm)=(+).(+)= +Add
How is a negative (minus) moment obtained aft the
Remove weight.
(-weight).(+arm)= - Remove.
How is a positive (plus) moment obtained fwd the datum?
Remove weight.
(-weight).(-arm)= + moment.
How is a negative (minus) moment obtained fwd the datum?
Add weight.
(+weight).(-arm)=(-).(-)= +Add
What is ment by the term residual fuel?
It is the fuel that remains in tanks, lines and engines after draining.