Weeks 5 &6: Shoulder Complex Flashcards
Quiz 3/Exam 2
teres minor
pectoralis major
long thoracic
serratus anterior
teres major
latissumus dorsi
dorsal scapular
levator scapula
CN XI (accessory nerve)
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular elevation
upper trapezius
levator scapulae
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular depression
lower trapezius
latissimus dorsi
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular protraction
pectoralis minor
serratus anterior
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular retraction
middle trapezius
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular upward rotation
upper trapezius
lower trapezius
serratus anterior
Which muscles perform this action?
scapular downward rotation
levator scapulae
pectoralis minor
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder flexion
anterior deltoid
biceps brachii
pectoralis major
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder extension
posterior deltoid
latissimus dorsi
teres major
triceps brachii
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder abduction
middle deltoid
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder adduction
latissimus dorsi
pectoralis major
teres major
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder horizontal abduction
posterior deltoid
teres minor
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder horizontal adduction
anterior deltoid
pectoralis major
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder external rotation
posterior deltoid
teres minor
Which muscles perform this action?
shoulder internal rotation
pectoralis major
latissimus dorsi
anterior deltoid
teres major
What are the articulating joints of the shoulder?
- sternoclavicular jt (SC jt)
- acromioclavicular jt (AC jt)
- glenohumeral jt
Sternoclavicular jt
Where does it articulate?
Which bones articulate?
manubrium of sternum
medial clavicle moves on sternum
(sternum remains stationary)
Sternoclavicular jt
What motions are available at the SC jt?
movement of clavical in all three planes
(relies on scapula for movement)
Sternoclavicular jt
What are the three ligaments of the SC jt?
- anterior/posterior sternoclavicular
- costoclavicular
- interclavicular
Sternoclavicular jt: sternoclavicular ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
anterior/posterior surface of the jt between sternum and clavicle
anterior/posterior displacement of medial clavicle
Sternoclavicular jt: costoclavicular ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
medial portion of clavicle and 1st rib
limits excessive elevation
Sternoclavicular jt: interclavicular ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
spans across upper margin of sternum to connect the L and R clavicals
limits excessive depression
Acromioclavicular jt
Where does it articulate?
Which bones articulate?
lateral clavical to acromion process
clavical and scapula
Acromioclavicular jt
What motions are available at the AC jt?
scapular rotation
Acromioclavicular jt
What are the two diagnoses of scapular diskenisia?
What is the improper motion?
In which plane of motion does it occur?
1. inferior angle of scapula protrudes
2. saggital plane of motion
1. entire medial/vertebral border of scapula protrudes
2. transverse plane of motion
Acromioclavicular jt
What are the three ligaments of the AC jt?
- acromioclavicular
- coracoclavicular
- coracoacromial
Acromioclavicular jt: acromioclavicular ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
- surrounds the acromioclavicular jt on all sides
- controls horizontal movement of the clavicle
- prevents dislocation
Acromioclavicular jt: coracoclavicular ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
Made up of two ligaments
- spans coracoid process to clavicle
- limits superior translation of the clavicle
primary support of AC jt
trapezoid and conoid
AC jt: coracoacromial ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What is its purpose?
Why is this a common site of impingement?
- arch over humeral head between coracoid process and acromion
- protect glenohumeral jt
rubbing between greater tubercle and humeral head impinges supraspinatus tendon which passes through
Glenohumeral joint
Where does it articulate?
Which bones articulate?
convex head of humerus and glenoid fossa (scapula)
Glenohumeral joint
Which motions are available at the GH jt?
horizontal AB/AD
Glenohumeral joint
What are the three ligaments on the GH jt?
- glenohumeral
- coracohumeral
- transverse humeral
GH jt: glenohumeral ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
- anterior attachment between glenoid fossa and humeral head
- limits excessive ER (with AB) and excessive AD
GH jt: coracohumeral ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
- superior/proximal to coracoid process and attaches to greater/lesser tubercles
- inferior translation of the humeral head
GH jt: transverse humeral ligament
Where is this ligament located?
What motion(s) does it limit?
- spans bicipital groove from greater to lesser tubercles
- keeps the long head of biceps tendon in bicipital groove
What four muscles compose the rotator cuff?
Where do they attach?
teres minor
greater tubercle: supra/infra/teres
lesser tubercle: subscap
Bursas: subacromial bursa
Where is this bursa located?
What is its purpose?
- under the acromion
- separate supraspinatus tendon from acromion and coracoid process
Bursas: subdeltoid bursa
Where is this bursa located?
What is its purpose?
- beneath the deltoid
- separate deltoid from head of humerus to allow for smooth gliding
Closed pack positions
What is the closed pack position for the GH jt?
Closed pack positions
What is the closed pack position of the SC jt?
maximum shoulder elevation
Closed pack positions
What is the closed pack position of the AC jt?
ABD to 90º
What is scapulohumeral rhythm?
The GH jt and scapulothoracic jt work simultaneously to elevate the humerus above the head in a 2:1 ratio:
For every 2º of GH motion, there is 1º of scapulothoracic motion
Scapulohumeral rhythm
Where does the motion primarily occur for the first 30º of elevation?
GH jt
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
GH flexion
upward rotation
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
GH ext
downward rotation
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
upward rotation
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
downward rotation
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
horizontal AB
Which scapular motion accompanies GH motion in scapulohumeral rhythm?
horizontal AD
Diagnoses/Conditions: Bursitis
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- inflammation of the bursa
- repeated stress, constant muscle pressure, calcification deposits within the bursa
- constant pain, intensified by activity or use of muscles overlying the jt
Diagnoses/Conditions: Bicipital tendonitis
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- inflammation of the biciptial tendon
- impingement, labral tear, compensation of RTC dirsorders
- intemittent pain with OH activity, no pn at rest
Diagnoses/Conditions: Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- inflammation of the RTC muscles
- repeated activity/stress, inflammation within the tendon sheath from impingement
- intermittent anterolateral pn and weakness, loss of ROM, no pn at rest
What are the RTC muscles?
Diagnoses/Conditions: Impingement Syndrome
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- impingement of RTC muscles between greater tubercle and acromion process
- repetetive/sustained use of arms overhead
- painful arc of motion with flex/AB, no pn with PROM, resisted ER weak, tenderness over greater tubercle
Diagnoses/Conditions: Impingement Syndrome
In impingement syndrome, what ROM is painful?
Diagnoses/Conditions: Impingement Syndrome
What are the two types of impingement?
- Primary impingement: compression due to reduced mechanical space
- Secondary impingement: GH instability caused by scapulothoracic weakness
Diagnoses/Conditions: Impingement Syndrome
What are the scapulothoracic muscles?
middle/lower trapezius
serratus anterior
Diagnoses/Conditions: Tears
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- tear of tendon/labrum (3 degrees)
- repetitive/sustained use of arms OH
- resisted ER significant weaknesss, night pain
Diagnoses/Conditions: Tears
What are the three degrees of tears?
Small: <1 cm
Medium: <3 cm
Large: >5 cm
Diagnoses/Conditions: GH Dislocation
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- displacement of bone from normal jt position
- anterior dislocation caused by combo of forced AB + ext + ER, posterior dislocation caused by forced AB + flex + IR
- visibly out of place, swelling, bruising, intense pn, inability to move jt
More common in men
Diagnoses/Conditions: GH Dislocation
Non-surgical protocol
Immobilized in sling 6 weeks
Avoid AB with ER for 3 months
Diagnoses/Conditions: Bankart Lesion
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- anterior inferior labrum tear
- recurrent anterior dislocations
- visibly out of place shoulder, swelling, bruising, intense pn, inability to move jt
Diagnoses/Conditions: Hills-Sachs Lesion
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- cortical depression on posterior lateral humeral head
- recurrent anterior dislocations
- visibly out of place shoulder, swelling, bruising, intense pn, inability to move jt
Diagnoses/Conditions: Hills-Sachs Lesion
What aspect of recurrent dislocations leads to a Hills-Sachs lesion?
posteriolateral head abutting anterior glenoid fossa when dislocating
Diagnoses/Conditions: Bankart Lesion
What aspect of recurrent dislocations leads to a Bankart lesion?
combined force of AB, ext, ER
Diagnoses/Conditions: Subluxation
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- incomplete/partial dislocation
- commonly after stroke/paralysis
- visibly out of place shoulder that will slide back in on its own
Immobilized in sling
Diagnoses/Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis
- Definition
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- adherence of folds in articular capsule restricting jt motion
- more common in non-dominant arm, more common in women 40-60 y/o
- restricted rOM in capsular pattern
Diagnoses/Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis
What are the four stages and their characteristic symptom(s)?
- pre-freezing: 1-3 months, pain
- freezing: 3-6 months, pain & stiffness
- frozen: 9-12 months, stiffness
- thawing: 12-18 months, stiffness resides
Diagnoses/Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis
What are the two etiologies?
- idiopathic
- secondary - induced by immobilization/trauma as a result of pain or systemic disease, e.g. diabetes
Diagnoses/Conditions: Adhesive Capsulitis
What are the acute and chronic symptoms?
- acute: constant pn at deltoid region
- pn at end range and resisted movements, decreased pn at rest
Diagnoses/Conditions: AC Sprain/Subluxation/Dislocation
What are the three grades of AC sprains?
- Grade 1: partial tearing of the AC ligaments
- Grade 2: complete rupture of AC ligaments, partial tearing of coracoacromial ligaments
- Grade 3: dislocation between acromion and clavicle where both AC and coracoclavicular ligaments are ruptured, distal clavicle displaced superiorly
Diagnoses/Conditions: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Defnition
- Symptoms
- nerves/vessels compressed in the neck or axilla
- numbness, tingling, heaviness, temperature/skin changes of the neck, UE, and hand
Symptoms exacerbated with OH activities, static posture, or carrying
Diagnoses/Conditions: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
What are the three locations of possible entrapment?
- scalene-anticus and cervical rib
- costoclavicular
- hyperabduction
Diagnoses/Conditions: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Where does hyperabduction entrapment occur?
between pec minor and coracoid process
Special Tests
Bicipital Tendonitis
Speed’s Test
1. Pt shoulder flex 90º, elbow ext, forearm sup
2. Clinician hand over bicipital groove and ant forearm
3. Resist active shoulder flex
Pain = positive test
Special Tests
Rotator Cuff Tears
- Drop Arm Test
- Supraspinatus/Empty Can Test
- Lag Sign/Lift Off Test
Special Tests: RTC
Procedure for Drop Arm Test
Clinician ABD pt arm to 90º and pt slowly lowers arm
inability to slowly lower arm/pain with lowering = positive test
Special Tests: RTC
Supraspinatus/Empty Can Test
- clinician ABD pt arm to 90º and horizontal ABD to 30º, thumb down
- clinician applies resistance
weakness and pain = positive test
Special Tests
Impingement Syndrome
- Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test
- Neer Impingement Test
Special Tests: RTC
Lag Sign/Lift Off Tests
- pt standing or prone with arm behind back (dorsal aspect of hand to back, IR)
- pt lifts hand off back
inability to lift hand/pain with lifting = positive test
Special Tests: Impingement
Hawkins-Kennedy Test
- clinician flexes pt shoulder to 90º, elbow flexed
- clinicial IR arm
pain = positive test
may also be helpful to rule out subacromial pn as a negative test
Special Tests
Neer Test
- clinician places hand on posterior aspect of pt scapula and stabilizes elbow
- clinician elevates pt arm through flex while maintaining IR
pain at 90º = positive test
may indicate impingement OR supraspinatus tendon tear
Special Tests
Apprehension Test
1. pt in supine
2. clinician AB and ER the shoulder
for anterior shoulder dislocation
Special Tests
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
- Adson’s Maneuver
- Military Brace/Wright’s Test
- Roo’s Test
- Hyperabduction Test
Special Tests: TOS
Adson’s Maneuver
- pt sitting, clinician monitors for radial pulse
- pt roates head to face test shoulder
- pt extends head while clinician ext/ER the pt’s shoulder
for scalene-anticus and cervical rib entrapment
absent/diminished pulse OR reproduction of pain/paresthesia = positive test
Special Tests: TOS
Military Brace/Wright’s Test
- pt sitting, clinician monitoring radial pulse
- pt depresses/retracts shoulder while taking a deep breath
for costoclavicular entrapment
absent/diminished pulse OR reproduction of pain/paresthesia = positive test
Special Tests: TOS
Roo’s Test
- pt sitting/standing
- pt AB shoulder to 90º, elbow flex 90º, full ER of shoulders
- pt opens/closes fists as quickly as possible for 1 min
for hyperabduction entrapment
reproduction of pain/paresthesia = positive test
Special Tests: TOS
Hyperabduction Test
- pt sitting, clinician monitoring radial pulse
- clinician AB pt’s arm until arm is OH
- pt breathes in deeply
for hyperabduction entrapment
absent/diminished pulse OR reproduction of pain/paresthesia = positive test
Shoulder flex
Shoulder ext
Shoulder ER
Shoulder IR
SWIC RTC Protocol
5 required, 2 if indicated
1. SL ER
2. ER with shoulder at neutral
3. IR with shoulder at neutral
4. Prone horizontal AB
5. Prone shoulder ext
If indicated:
6. serratus anterior strengthening (punches)
7. Sahrmann lower trap series
Exercises for non-surgical frozen shoulder
- pendulum/Codman’s
- cane/wand
- pulleys
- mobilizations
- aggressive stretching
Precautions for Ex
exercises past 90º (OH) and painful arc of 60º-90º until pain-free
Precautions for Ex
GH Dislocations
avoid AB with ER for 3 months
Precautions for Ex
AC Dislocations
avoid OH position of dislocation