Week4 SWIFT Flashcards
Features are (partially) invariant to what?
Image scaling and rotation
Partially: change in illumination and 3D camera viewpoint
Why is high distinctive good?
Allows for single feature to be correctly matched in large database. Basis for object and scene recognition.
What are the major stages of computation in SIFT?
- Scale-space extrema detection
- keypoint localization
- orientation assignment
- keypoint descriptor
Scale-space extrema detection
Searches all scales and image locations and identify points of interest that are invariant ot scale and orientation.
Keypoint localization
At each candidate location a model is fit to determine location and scale. Keypoints are selected by stability.
Orientation assignment
One or more orientations assigned to each keypoint based on local image gradient directions.
Keypoint descriptor
Local image gradients measured at scale in the region around each keypoint. These are transformed into a representation that can handle shape distortion and change in illumination.
Scale space
Focus verleggen binnen beeld. Bijv. focus op raam of op huis / boom. Met gaussian smoothing konden objecten netjes verborgen worden waar niet op gefocust werd.
Verdubbeling van schaal. Belangrijk om te kijken in hoe snelle stappen dat moet gaan.
We must produce s + 3 images in the stack of blurred images for each octave, so that final
extrema detection covers a complete octave.
the relationship between D and σ^2∇^2G
Heat diffusion equation.
ratio eigenvalues
trilinear interpolation
affine changes in illumination
Scale space maxima
Maxima of scale normalizef Gaussian derivatives at different scales.
LoG DoG extremen
Laplacian of Gauss (convolutions)
Lowe gebruikt Difference of Gauss
Least Squares werkt slecht bij outliers, oplossing?
Estimation methods that are robust to outliers
Random Sample Consensus
- classify points as inliners or outliners
- fit model to inliners disregarding outliners
SIFT stappenplan Rein
1. Keypoint in f en f' sift(x, y, theta, s, d) Waarbij: x,y = position theta = orientatie s = scale d = discriptor
- Matching van descriptor
False match: punten die wel op elkaar lijken maar niet in een overlappend beeld zitten.