Week3 Dentition Flashcards
Functions of Teeth
Functions of the Teeth:
Protect the oral cavity
Chew food
Aid in digestive system
There are 4 tooth tissues…
- Enamel
Dental pulp (soft tissue)
What are functions of different species of teeth eg. molar, incisors?
• Canines - Hold, Grasp (& tear)
Incisors - Cut
Premolars - Hold & Grind (crush)
Molars - (Chew) & Grind
Tubercles - small elevations of enamel on some portion of the crown of the tooth
Cingulum - lingual lobe of anterior teeth
Line Angle
• Line angle: junction of 2 surfaces (distal line angle meets buccal line angle)
Point Angle
Point angle: point where 3 surface meet
Marginal Ridges
n Marginal ridges are the rounded borders of
enamel forming the mesial and distal shoulders of the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth and the
“ mesial and distal shoulders of the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth
Midline: separates right side from left side of face
Facing the client therefore, our right side is their left and vice versa
Succedaneous Teeth
• Succedaneous Teeth
- refers to the permanent teeth whic succeed or replace the deciduous (primary) teeth
Nonsuccedaneous Teeth
• Nonsuccedaneous Teeth
- refers to the teeth which do not succeed or replace any deciduous teeth
- Ex: the permanent molars all 6’s,7’s,8’s
3 Coding Systems
3 Coding Systems
« 1. Universal System
« 2. Palmer Notation System
« 3. Federation Dentaire Internat
System (FDI)
Universal System
Uses Arabic numerals:
1-32 for permanent teeth and
Letters A - T for primary teeth
This is the system used in the US
Palmer Notation System each of the four quadrants
secondary (permanent) teeth: #1 - 8 starting from midline
primary (deciduous) teeth: A - E
Palmer notation pic
Federation Dentaire Internationale
System (FDI)
• Quadrants are numbered 1-4 on permanent dentition
• Quadrants are numbered 5-8 on primary dentition
• This is the system we use in