week1 Flashcards
what is a kernel
a kernel is the core or heart of the UNIX OS
what are mobiles computers?
smart phone, watches, tables, smart refrigerators
what is a web application
it’s an application used to browse or surf the internet ex. safari google, Microsoft
what is the correct vocab for “user name & password”
login credentials or
authentication information
what does RHCA stands for ?
RHCA stands for red hat certified associate. it is a linux certification.
what is a software?
a software is the virtual or intangible part of a system.
something that you can not touch physically.
what is an OS
an operating system is the main software or program that runs on a computer
give an example of web application
- safari
- microsoft
describe a UNIX kernel
A UNIX kernel is a open source freeware. provided to the public.
what does a standard local user account ?
a standard local user account is an account that does have restricted access to the system.
what is the control panel ?
control panel stores tools used to change the configuration of the OS
what does www stand for
world, wide, web
it is a combination of internet recourses made available to the public
what is UNIX
it is a group of OS with a similar kernel
what does URL stand for?
uniform resource locator. it is a weblink to a webpage
what is a hard drive also known as hard disk, and storage
it is a physical or tangible part of a system. it is a container of software and hard ware. Designed to permanently cache software
what is the difference between a subfolder and a folder
a folder contains folders and files and a subfolders contains folders inside another folder.
what does CRT stand for
cathode ray tube- displays analog signals <720
what does POST stand for
power on self test. perform a diagnose test on all hardware device.
where are profile located
it’s located in the c- drive user folder
what is a computer
an electronic device that receives input processes that input and, releases an output.
what is a hardware driver
a software that enables the OS to communicate with a hardware.
software is loaded into RAM memory is use to cache software.
storage/ hard-rive
it is a container of software and hardware. the hard drive is use to store software permanently.
who were the two men that design the UNIX kernel
Ken Thomason and Dennis ritchie
ken Thomason- was an application developer
Dennis Ritche-c language programmer
What is an application
an application is a program designed to accomplish a specific task. it must be installed an OS
what is Linux who was it built by
Linus Toralds is the founding father of linux, linus built a second paded kurnel on top of Unix and made it public.
WIFI is also known as
what type of wave does wifi use
wireless Fidelity, uses radio waves
what is a Data
an information stored in a file or a text store in a file
what is a server
a server is a computer system, it is a super computer that has extra processing power designed to for business use.
what is blade server
a super with addition processing power
boot up
boot- start on power
bootup- start up
reboot- restart
what does RAM stand for
random access memory
what is CPU
central processing unit. it is the brain of a system. it is use to process information and put out what it has retrieved.
what is a monitor
the screen of a system
What is ETC(ITSY)
UNIX folder
what is a web browser
it is a web application or program used to surf the internet.
other names for computer
what is another way to say login and password?
authentication or login credential.
what is a system made of?
a system is made of software and hardware