Week Twelve Group Processes Flashcards
Define conformity as according to textbook
Tendency to change one’s perceptions, opinions or behaviour to conform w/group norms
How does Meyer, 2005 define conformity?
Change of behaviour in accordance with others
How does Kiesler and Kiesler define conformity?
Change in the behaviour or belief toward a group as a result of real or imagined group pressure
Outline informational influence
Conforming when things are HARDER to decipher on our own because we want to be correct in our judgements and we see other people are more correct
Outline normative influence
Shared set of beliefs held by the in-group about things that are easier to decipher on our own cause us to conform more readily because we fear the consequences of deviating from group norm
What were the findings of Sherif’s (1936) study?
When we find tasks difficult we turn to others as source of info so we can agree on something. Individually ability to estimate how much light moved occurred varied drastically but in group estimates came together to produce group mean
Which type of influence was demonstrated by Sherif’s study?
Informational influence - - > conforming because we want to be correct in our judgements about tasks which are more difficult
Outline the findings of Asch’s conformity experiment (1951)
Reasons for conformity included:
1. Going along w/crowd
2. Having others question answers
Which type of influence was demonstrated in Asch’s study?
Normative influence
What were the findings of Asch’s (1955) study of group size?
As group got larger, group conformity increased
What happened when Asch manipulated unanimity? What was the finding?
Level of conformity went down to 1/4 of original study. Having just one person challenge group is enough for others to re-evaluate their original conforming opinion
Define compliance
Subtype of conformity where there is superficial change in behaviour in response to direct requests or coercion
What is obedience a form of?
What is compliance a subtype of?
What were the findings of Milligram’s (1963) study?to do with voltage?
Up to 120v participants happy to give electric shocks to learner
130v learner complains of pain
140v learner doesn’t want to be part of study anymore
300v-450v person in booth no longer responding