Week Ten - Neuroplasticity Flashcards
What is Neuroplasticity?
The ability of the NS to respond to stimuli by organising its structure, function and connections
- eg after brain injury
- eg disease
What is Hebbs Rule?
Neurons that wire together, fire together
Eric Kandel & the Sea Slug
First evidence of how memory formation results from molecular changes
Bliss & Lomo (1973) LTP
Formed the basis of molecular neuroplasticity that obeys Hebbian principles. Found LTP in mammalian hippocampal slices
What is LTP?
The persistent strengthening of synapses based on recent patterns of activity. Long-lasting increases in the signalling between two neurons.
Exercise and Depression relationship with Neurogenesis?
Exercise increase neurogenesis
Depression decreases neurogenesis
What is adaptive plasticity?
When associated with a gain in function
What is maladaptive plasticity?
Negative consequences such as a loss of function or increased injury.
Can occur in conjunction with adaptive changes.
Spinal Cord Injury and Brain Plasticity?
Training induced changes in brain plasticity can occur in the absence of any behavioural change. This suggests that the connection between the limb and brain isn’t working/severed. Potential treatment option would be stem cells.
Epilepsy occurring years after cerebral trauma indicates?
Progressive plastic changes in the brain leading to alterations in signalling and disinhibition in non-related areas, leading to seizures.
How can we see maladaptive plasticity?
Show that it is related to a change in function/behaviour
- greatest plasticity = greatest movement problem.
Treatment during Acute phase
Treatment in the acute phase may be beneficial when done at the site of injury
Treatment during Chronic phase?
Chronic pain may occur, central changes in the joint and have maladaptive change to the CNS
How to reverse abnormal changes to CNS?
Treat the injury (bottom up) - however its weak
Target the brain (top down) - addresses the pain sensitisation
Maladaptive plasticity is seen to occur in response to treatment of what type of disorders?
Neuropsychiatric. Following from antipsychotic drugs eg tardive dyskinesia