Week Seven Flashcards
the internal symbols and language that we use which is conscious.
‘conscious’ thinking plus underlying nonconscious processes that are automatic (e.g. memory, executive functions).
social cognition
focuses on how cognition is affected by wider and more immediate social contexts and on how cognition affects our social behaviour.
impression formation: physical features
○ Individuals and cultural associations are made between physical features and psychological, personality and social characteristics.
○ Psychical beauty is often connected to good or moral personality traits.
○ Consequences
§ More likely to meet attractive strangers than intelligent strangers.
§ More likely to help attractive strangers.
○ Physical features can also have competing ideas.
§ I.e. that baby faced people are innocent but also not powerful.
○ Clothing
§ Can signal authority, and enhance factors like attractiveness.
impression formation: non-verbals
○ Eye contact
§ Provides a lot of useful social information’s (e.g. gaze, direction and duration etc.).
§ Facial expressions (smiling or frowning can indicate certain things).
§ Body language (body angle, body movements, personal space etc.)
§ Non-verbal behaviours are largely culturally based.
○ Deficiencies in ‘theory of mind’ (metalizing) - they are mind blind.
§ Issues with autistic people and eye contact
observation of behaviours
○ Direct observation
§ Someone sitting quietly in the corner at a loud party=shy
§ Someone pushing in could be rude
§ Information from others behaviour can be given by other people.
§ First impressions are generally automatic and intuitive
§ Generally accurate, but depends on a range of factors.
§ Forming more considered impressions requires great efforts and greater motivation
□ Seek out more detailed information about the person.
cognitive algebra
§ We mathematically combine all impressions to form an overall impression.
○ This doesn’t take any context into account.
§ Can take context/situation into account by assigning weights.
§ Salient information is information that ‘stands out’.
§ Often behaving in ways that do not fit (their social group, people in general).
§ Top down factors (if someone can help with goals or if someone has told you to watch them etc.)
§ Bottom up factors (things about the stimulus)
§ Refers to the positivity or negativity of the information
Positivity is default, however, we rarely expect negative answers.
order effects
§ Primacy is information that arrives first, we remember more at the state.
§ Recency is information that comes last, we remember the last information received.
§ Primacy information disproportionately influences final overall impression, influences how we interpret late information and is resistant to change and perseveres even when we know it to be false.
social encoding
pre-attentive analysis –> focal attention –> comprehension –> elaborate reasoning
A node is a piece of information
connecting nodes
○ When we perceive 2 things together, the stronger the connection between them in our brains
○ Nodes get connected into networks that can, over time, develop into ‘schemas;
§ Schema is a cognitive construct that represents knowledge about a concept or type of stimulus, including its attributes and relations among those attributes.
A network of social information
types of schemas
§ Person: specific individuals
§ Trait: characteristics, internal dispositions, personality factors
§ Behaviour: types of behaviour (running etc.)
§ Group/role: types of groups or prescribed occupants in a group (politicians; prime minister etc.)
§ Event (scripts): situations or contexts
Self: personal schemas
- social schemas (organise impressions and perceptions of people, allow us to quickly categorise a person).