What are Tumor Markers?
- Enzymes present in or produced by cancer cells or other cells of the body in response to cancer or certain benign conditions
Where are Tumor Markers found?
- In the blood or urine
What kind of information will Tumor Markers provide?
- How aggressive
- What kind of tx it may respond to
- Whether or not it is already responding to tx
Tumor Marker B-HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin, beta subunit) points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Testicular cancer
Tumor Marker Bence Jones Protein points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Multiple Myeloma
Tumor Marker AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Testicular cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Colon cancer
- Lung cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Liver cancer
Tumor Marker CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Lung cancer
- GI cancer
- Breast cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
Tumor Marker CA-125 points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Ovarian cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Breast cancer
- Colon cancer
- Lung cancer
- Liver cancer
Tumor Marker CA-19-9 points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Ovarian cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
Tumor Marker CA-15-3 points to which kind(s) of cancer?
- Breast cancer
What is Angiogenesis?
- The process of forming new blood vessels
Why can angiogenesis be a sign of cancer?
- Tumors require blood vessels to grow
- Cancer cell enzymes initiate blood vessel growth
- (Prevention/inhibition of blood vessel growth is KEY to treating SOME cancers)
Cancer Warning Signs
C hange in bowel or
bladder habits
A sore that does not
U nusual bleeding or
T hickening or lump in
breast or elsewhere
I ndigestion or difficulty
O bvious change in wart
or mole
N agging cough or
What are BRCA 1 and BRCA 2?
- Genes that produce proteins that help repair damaged DNA
- Everyone has 2 copies of each (1 from each parental unit)
- If they undergo harmful or pathogenic changes (are mutated),
cancer CAN develop - Also may see fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancers
Who is at risk from BRCA 1/2 mutations leading to cancer?
- Both males and females
Which Racial/Ethnic populations are more highly at risk for BRCA 1/2 mutations leading to cancer?
- Jewish
- Norwegian
- Dutch
- Icelandic
- African American
How many levels of prevention are there?
- 3; Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
What is considered part of the Primary Level of Prevention?
- Eating whole foods
- Avoid smoking
- Avoiding alcohol
- No sun overexposure
What is considered part of the Secondary Level of Prevention?
- Screening Tests
- Annual physical exam
- PAP smear: cervical
tissue cell scraping
for examination - BSE: Breast self-
exam or yearly
mammogram - TSE: Testicular self-
exam - PSA and DRA:
Prostate screening
and Digital Rectal
What is a PAP Smear and what is its Process?
- The study of cells that have sloughed off or been exfoliated
from a tumor
- The cells are found in body secretions such as cervical
discharges, sputum, gastric washings, pleural fluid, and
urinary washings - Procedure: Secretion on slide, stained and examined by
Pathologist who classifies tissue as benign, dysplastic
(suspicious), or malignant
Cancer Warning Signs in Children
C ontinued/unexplaned
weight loss
H eadaches with
vomiting in morning
I ncreased
L ump/mass in abd,
neck, or elsewhere
D evelopment of whitish
appearance in pupil
of eye
R ecurrent fevers not
caused by infections
E xcessive bleeding or
N oticeable paleness or
prolonged tiredness
in bones/joints