Week 9 - What Is Racism Flashcards
Race was built
On the concept of race
Race cannot be seperated
From racism in the context of history
What kind of racism is more common today?
Subtle forms of racism, not explicit hatred
The term “racist” coined in
1930 – A response to Nazism
Preferring one thing over the other (“I like summer more than winter”) – A tendency and/or feeling that is not objective but not necessarily harmful (although it can be!)
Preconceived notion or opinion – Typically negative, involves stereotypes (popular but inaccurate/oversimplified ideas) No power imbalance needed.
Is racism hate?
Yes, it can be (in cases of open and/or violent racism) but it does not have to be!
Unfair treatment of (groups of) people based on prejudice.
What’s the most common form of racism?
A person with no power can be _______, but not _______ against a person with power
ANTHRO studies racism in
The system and the benefits it brings to some groups and consequences it brings to others, NOT in the individual
Racism being part of a system means what?
It means that a person that is not racism can still benifit without holding any racist beleifs
Racism is not a
Moral judgment or character flaw (im not racist, im a good person)
Does being part of a racist system make a person racist?
Can only white people be racists?
Depending on how you define “racism”
- by this definition, and if we are looking in the context of the west, than yes
- other countries and areas in the world, than NO
Problem with saying only white ppl can be racist is that
It goes back to the individual, not to the system, so instead we say racism favours some groups over others, and benefits some ppl at the expense of other groups
Reverse racism exists?
On the individual level - YES, u can have anything
On the system - NO and it cannot exist
Old racism
Focus on biological differences
New racism
Focus on cultural differences
What does new racism use?
Euphemisms for race - ethnicity, cultural differences , religion, geography,
Defining characteristic of new racism
Euphemisms used for race
Critical race theory
Examines race and racism in terms of power relations in society
- started in 1980s
- concerned with laws and legal history
- idealists VS realists
Racism is about attitudes, social teachings, ideas and ways of thinking
Racism is about the way society allocates privilege and status