Week 13 - intersectionality and racism Flashcards
Racism and other forms of oppression do not affect all groups in the same way, or all members of the same group.
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
How multiple, interlocking systems of power and oppression affect people
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw first introduced to address
the marginalization of black women in feminist and anti-racism politics.
Why is intersectionality important
Bc its impossible to discuss and analyze one system of power without taking others into account
Not using intersectionality results in
Ignoring the exp of some of the most marginalized groups
Intersectionality invisibility
Not being a “prototypical member” of an identity group causes invisibility (invalidation)
Example of intersectional invisibility
Global sisterhood
Intersectionality is not a
Numbers game, more oppression doesnt mean ur more valid than others,
Just bc one groups progressing, doesnt mean its at the expense of the other groups
Just bc one groups progressing, doesnt mean its at the expense of the other groups example
Womens rights
Oppression Olympics
Competing personal forms of oppression u face with others.
A derailment. Not good to engage in it; can contribute to silencing instead of addressing the problem!
Important Axis of Power
Race Gender Class Sexual orientation Gender identity Age Religion (Dis)Ability Geographical location
forms of feminism
- Intersectional feminism
- white feminism
- anti-racist feminism
Why is intersectional feminism important
Bc there are diff stereotypes for diff groups, with diff exp. For each group. All of which need to be taken into account
Example of intersectional feminism
Aboriginal women
“Is Canada Safe for Aboriginal Women?” article
Anti-racist feminism
Intersections bw race, class and gender
Anti-feminism name
- Marlee Kline
Marlee Kline:
Canadian (white) feminists approach topics such as child custody, criminal law, etc. often ignores how race and racism shape the experiences of Canadian women of colour
Topics of anti-racist feminism:
- immigration
- labour
- building solidarity with Indigenous women
- the role of culture in structuring women’s lives
Anti-demise critical approach
Indigenous knowledge and intersectionality
Race and class
- ignored in west, big deal elsewhere
- ## meritocracy
Is canada a meritocracy
Success is based on hard work and ability/talent, not on race as much
Race, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- heteronormative society
- two-spirit - appropriated by LGBT, specific to indigenous ppl
Race and age
- diff perceptions of age in diff communities
- kids of color not always treated like children, but as adults (harsher)