Week 9 - Terrain Flashcards
Terrain analysis define
- deals with topography
- 3rd dimension: z value
- can be applied to ither data with z values
Data for Terrain analysis
- LiDAR (Elevation)
- contours (vector)
LiDAR-derived surfaces can also be used to extract feature heights from 2D data. T/F
Three LiDAR derived raster models
• Digital terrain model (DTM): A bare-earth terrain surface created using ground returns only.
• Digital surface model (DSM): A first-return surface that represents a
“shrink-wrapped” surface of the earth, including buildings, trees, and
other obstructions.
• Normalized digital surface model (nDSM): The difference between
the DSM and DTM surfaces, or a DSM normalized to the bare-earth
surface. Can be used to calculate the height of buildings, trees, or other
- any digital representation of a topographic surface
- centre cell
- 30m cell size
- Vector data model
- land surface represented by triangles
- Elevation values (z values) + xy coordinates stored at nodes
- can be converted to each other
- TIN is flexible with input data sources–> can add elevation points at precise locations and add breaklines (i.e roads)
- TIN slower to compute
- DEM is fixed with a given cell size–> cannot add new sample data to increase surface accuracy
- DEM is most efficient for terrain analysis.
Common terrain variables
- Height
- slope
- aspect
- Slope identifies the steepest downhill direction for a location on a surface
- rise/run = sqrt(b^2+c^2)
-Aspect is the compass direction that the sloping
surface faces at each location
- It identifies the down slope direction from each cell
to its neighbours.
- aka slope direction
- It is measured clockwise in degrees from 0 (due
north) to 360 (again due north), coming full circle
aspect uses e.g
find north-facing slopes for ski runs
vertical profile
change in elevation along a line
3D draping
Superimpose data such as satellite imagery, hydrographical features, land
cover, vegetation, roads, etc on the perspective view to make it more realistic
- need DEM and TIN
Applications of 3D draping
- View shed analysis
- Watershed Analysis
Viewshed analysis
- visibility or intervisibility between two or more points
- e.g locating new communications tower–> how visible will it be