Week 9-Strength/Speed/Power Flashcards
The amount of force or torque an individual can produce in one maximal repetition (1 RM).
How much distance can be covered over a certain period of time?
The ability to develop force or torque over time.
Strength and Muscle Architecture?
More fibres in parallel = more force production
Pennation angle enables greater PCSA
Strength and Joint Orientation?
Joint angle affects lever arm of muscle and load
Therefore affects torque production of muscle and load
Muscle is strongest at?
resting length during rapid eccentric loading
Muscle is weakest at?
stretched or contracted lengths during rapid concentric loading
Strength Training Adaptations?
increase protein filament size and number
connective tissue mass (tendons, fascia)
Endurance is?
strength demonstrated over multiple sub- maximal repetitions
What are the Neural Effects on Speed?
Agonist Recruitment
Reflex Responses
Muscular Effects on Speed?
in parallel
Fibre type
Muscular Effects on Speed - Lever arm of muscle?
= greater affect on the movement of the distal end of the segment
Anthropometric Effects on Speed - Total body mass?
More mass requires more force to create velocity
Stretch Shortening Cycle - Concentric?
Muscle force greater than load
Release of elastic energy
Range of force development increased
Tendon Elastic Energy?
Tendon recoil much faster than muscle shortening
Disadvantages of Heavy Resistance Training?
Heavy load slow velocity, Sport specificity?
Rugby forward vs 100m sprinter
Limitations of Traditional Weight Training on Power?
Functionally velocity should increase through entire range