Week 9: Political Parties Flashcards
Political Parties:
organizations that seek to promote their shared goals and policies by nominating and electing candidates for public
Key party is in how they seek to influence government makes them distinct from interest groups
Role of parties
Although we might disdain political parties, they serve some critical roles in democratic life
- Integrate citizens into the political system
- Generate policy
- Organize government
- Structure the vote
- Organize public opinion
- Aggregate societal interests
Party organization
Central committees tasked with getting candidates elected or electioneering
Central functions:
- Recruiting candidates
- Administering primary elections and running nominating conventions
- Fundraising
- Constructing policy platform
- Campaign assistance
Party in Office
All candidates at all levels of government who are elected to public office
Central functions:
- Set policy agenda
- Fill leadership positions and oversee the policy making process
- Executive policy agenda of the party
- Organize the day to day functions of the legislature
Party in the Electorate
All citizens who identify with, or have some attachment to the political party
Central function:
- Vote in leadership elections
- Volunteer for campaigns
- Donate to the party
The brokerage party model
For most of canada’s history scholars have argued that our major political parties follow a brokerage model
Parties strive to become the dominant party by incorporating and deemphasizing all important societal divisions
Stands in contrast to mass parties or niche parties common in other national contexts
Why no mass parties
No firm answer for why canadian parties developed so differently from other countries
- The importance of the national question
- Regional tensions, especially western alienation
- Weakness of organized labour
Characteristics of brokerage parties
- Under Institutionalized
- Loose connection to social cleavages in society
- Goal = national accommodation rather than the representation of interests
- Electoral pragmatism
- Leader dominant
- Unquestioned party allegiance seen as a virtue
- Antipathy to coalition politics
The franchise model
Most distinctive feature is the lack of development of central party bureaucracy
Principally defined by a struggle between the party in office and the party on the ground
Norm of mutual coexistence: party in office sets the policy and communications, while the party on the ground manages local affairs
A franchise style model
Central vs. local party
There has always been tension between the central and local parties
Particularly due to national encroachment on local party decision making
Flash points: local nominations, policy development
Iron law of oligarchy posits that party elite will come to dominate party decision making
First system (1867-1921)
The earliest party system was characterized by two loose coalitions (cadre parties) bound together by patronage
Conservatives were centralists and had support of religious and industrial interests
Liberals were decentralists, anti-clerical and pro-trade but distinctions were loose
Decline of the patronage system (1867-1917)
Civil service reform limited the ability of the parties to give out patronage
Conservatives and liberals became more cohesive and sharply distinguished by religion and language
Conservative party alienated french canadians
Splinter parties, like the progressives, shattered the two party system; now 2+1 system
The second party system (1921-1957)
The professionalization of the civil service led to the rise of the ottawa mandarins
Increasingly regionalized political conflict led to the rise of powerful ministers who had control over the extra-parliamentary party
Minimal policy differences between liberals and PC, who adopted post war Keynesian consensus
C.D Howe, who served under king and st.laurent
The third party system (1957-1993)
The liberal party governed with an increasingly centralist vision at odds with quebec nationalism and western alienation
Rising importance of party leaders and extra parliamentary parties, decline of cabinet
Liberals and PC remain brokerage parties
Liberals see decline towards the end of this period due to waning support in QC
The fourth party system (1993-2004)
Failure of meech lake and charlottetown accords broke the canadian party system
Rise of the reform party, which responded to western alienation, and the bloc
PC party shattered (down to 2 seats, 16%)
Split right-wing allowed liberals to win majorities by sweeping ontario in 1993, 1997 and 2000