Week 9- Korean War Flashcards
What small Asian country did Truman first send troops to support a pro-western democratic movement fighting against their communist counterparts in 1950?
From what time to what time did the Korean War last?
What part of Korea was under communist control in 1950? What part of Korea was under non-communist control?
North Korea was under communist control and South Korea was under non-communist control.
What started the Korean War? How did the USA react?
On June 25, 1950, the North Koreans invaded the South. The USA reacted by sending American military aid to South Korea
What evidence do you find that domestic political pressure influenced President Truman’s actions in 1950?
The Republican Party said that Truman had not been tough enough and had allowed the Communists to take China.
The Korean War provides 3 important lessons about the Cold War. What were they?
The war was a clear example of the Truman doctrine in action, it also showed that even though the USA had atomic weapons they could not use them due to the risk of starting a nuclear war and it was an example of ‘war by proxy’
What was Truman afraid might happen if he didn’t stop the North Korean invasion?
That it would lead to a Third World War.
What was Truman’s view on the importance of History?
We can use history to learn from the past
What does the following quote reveal about Truman’s approach to communist nations: “ Hitler and Mussolini and the Japanese were doing the exact same thing in the 1930s and the League of Nations let them get away with it…the strong got away with attacking the weak”
- hard-line approach
- containment policy
- Truman Doctrine
Who do the U.S. public elect in 1952 and why?
The U.S. Public elects former Second World War general Dwight D Eisenhower in 1952 because they feel Truman is not tough enough.
What did Eisenhower’s Republican Party accuse Truman’s Democratic Party of doing?
Eisenhower’s party accused Democratic presidents, Roosevelt and Truman, of letting Stalin gain too much territory in Europe, and that the USA had not done enough in 1949 to stop the communist takeover of China.
What were key factors in Eisenhower’s election win?
- domestic desire to end the Korean War
- fear of communism
- hope that Eisenhower’s military experience would give them a strong leader
Which man was considered the most responsible for directing foreign relations in the Eisenhower administration and what was his role?
John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of State
What was the view of Dulles and many other Republicans towards containment?
Dulles and many other republicans accepted the idea of containment set out in the Truman Doctrine, but wanted more. They spoke about ‘roll back’, the idea that the USA and its western Allies should work towards “freeing” the countries that became communist after 1945.
What was the strategy of ‘massive retaliation’?
That the USA would use atomic weapons even if the USSR attacked with conventional weapons.
Discuss Eisenhower and ‘brinkmanship’?
Eisenhower considered using nuclear weapons to end the Korean War if the other side had not agreed to terms. These kind of threats were very dangerous and were known as ‘brinkmanship’- taking the world to the brink of edge of a nuclear war.
Why was Eisenhower far more cautious and calculating than many people knew?
Eisenhower used Dulles to establish a tough public line against communism, while he worked to avoid nuclear war and establish some kind of peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union
How was Eisenhower assisted in establishing a peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union?
The death of Stalin in 1953 transformed the possibilities for the Soviet Cold War policy. When Nikita Khrushchev took over in 1957 as the new leader of the Soviet Union, he appeared willing to change the foreign policy that Stalin had set up.
How was the period of 1953-1969 a period of oscillatory antagonism and what does such a period suggest about the two sides?
1953-69 was a period of oscillatory antagonism because it was marked by periods of conflict and periods where both sides got on reasonably well. This suggests that both sides wanted to lesson confrontation and set up agreements on different issues.
What were the main examples of attempts to settle differences during the period of oscillatory antagonism?
The agreement to end the Korean War, Khrushchev’s visit to the USA and the establishment Of a hotline between Washington and Moscow.
What were examples of flashes of hostility and conflict during the period of oscillatory antagonism?
Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956, the building of the Berlin Wall (1961) and the Cuban Missile Crisis
What is happening regarding nuclear weapons in the 1950’s?
- Eisenhower introduces policy of “massive retaliation”= make lots of bombs
- meanwhile the Soviets continue to develop their stockpile of nuclear weapons= make lots of bombs+ pretend you have more than you really do!
The key point= both US and USSR develop large arsenals of weapons preparing for a nuclear war
Elaborate on the statement: president Truman was determined to help pro-western national movements achieve victory?
Truman vowed to stand up to the Soviets and fight on behalf of democratic states faced with being overcome by communism.Truman knew whoever had access to the means of violence effectively controlled the power as well. He would tip the balance of power by supporting the weak militarily.