Timeline Flashcards
When was the Cold War?
Most historians say the Cold War began in 1945 at the end of WW2 and finished in 1991 with the collapse of communism.
Detail what happened between 1917 and 1991 in Russia?
Delimitation- splitting up the empire into distinct areas
Who were the key figures in 1945?
Winston Churchill- Prime Minister of UK until 1945. 1946- famous “Iron Curtain” speech: “ An iron Curtain has descended across the continent.”
Joseph Stalin- leader of the soviet communist party (USSR) 1922-1953. Claims territory taken off Germany in WW2 as part of the Soviet Empire (satellite states)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt- elected president USA in 1933. Immensely popular and elected for four terms
Define Communism?
Communism is a political ideology that believes that societies can achieve full social equality by eliminating private property.
What was the Status quo towards the end of WW2?
The USSR and Allies had combined forces during WW2 to beat the threat of Hitler’s Germany. A mutual enemy was the only thing that they had in common. Once it looked like they would become victorious, the Allies and USSR became distrustful of each other. Anger from US and England that Red Army had been let into Berlin first. Concern Soviet Union was power-hungry. Atomic bombing of Japan partly show of US strength to Russia.
What started the Cold War?
Since the 19th century there had been tensions between Russia and Western Europe. These tensions increase after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, in Russia. There were two opposing ideologies- communism in USSR and Capitalism in Western Europe and the United States.
About the Yalta Conference?
Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met at Yalta in the Soviet Union in February 1945.(VE 8th May) They agreed to jointly govern post war Germany. It would be divided into zones. Free elections would be held in Eastern Europe.USSR would join the war against Japan, in return USSR would receive Sakhalin Island and land in Manchuria. The conference did not recognise the Soviet’s claim to eastern Poland.
About the Potsdam Conference?
Another Big 3 meet in Potsdam in July 1945, two months after Germany’s surrender and shortly before the atomic bomb was dropped. Roosevelt had died and was replaced by Harry S. Truman. Churchill had lost the recent election and was replaced by Clement Attlee (UK). Stalin was the only original of the big 3 leaders.
What was the Cold War?
A geopolitical, ideological and economic struggle where there was no open fighting, but rival powers attacked each other with propaganda, economic measures and a policy of non-cooperation
Talk about how the USSR expanded their “sphere of influence”?
The USSR extended their sphere of influence to include Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania and Bulgaria. Eastern Germany and East Berlin were under USSR control. The states of Western Europe established close ties with the United States.
Talk about the Truman doctrine?
In 1947, president Truman agrees to send $400M in aid to combat communism in Greece. The Truman doctrine pledges to provide economic and military assistance to any nation threatened by communism.
Talk about the Marshall Plan?
In June 1947, U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall proposes a massive aid program to rebuild post WW2 ravaged Europe. Nearly 13b US dollars were sent to Europe between 1948 and 1952. USSR and Communist Eastern Europe decline assistance. Eastern Bloc and Iron Curtain entrenched. Extreme distrust both sides.
Talk about the cominform?
In response to the Marshall Plan, Stalin introduces the Communist information bureau, in September 1947. Stalin wanted Russian style communism in all the eastern bloc states. They would trade primarily with each other. All contact with non-communist countries was discouraged.
Talk about Berlin?
Berlin was in the middle of the Russian zone. Berlin had been split into two zones (prior agreement- Potsdam) The three western zones were United to form an economic unit. The western zones were trying to aid economic recovery- new currency introduced and price controls ceased. Russia wanted to bleed their zone dry. West Berlin became an island of capitalism in a sea 100 miles inside the Communist zone.
What happened in the Berlin Blockade?
The Soviets reacted to the joining of the 3 western zones by closing all rail, road and canal links between West Berlin and West Germany, cutting them off from the rest of the world. From June 1948 to May 1949, U.S. and British Military planes airlifted 1.5 million tons of supplies to residents of West Berlin. After 200,000 flights the soviets lift their blockade.
Talk about Communism in China?
In 1949, Chinese communists declare victory over nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek. Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) proclaims the people’s Republic of China. Mao travels to USSR where he signs the sino-soviet treaty of Friendship, alliance and mutual assistance.
Talk about the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)?
Signing of NATO by Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, USA, Canada, Denmark, Eire, Italy and Norway. An attack on one nation was considered an attack on all nations. NATO would coordinate the defence of the west.
Talk about East and West Germany (1949)?
Formation of the German federal republic- known as West Germany. Elections were held. Konrad Adenauer became first chancellor. USSR set up the German Democratic Republic-known as East Germany (communist state)
From what Time to what time did the Korean War go for?
The Korean War went from 1950-1953
Talk about the Korean War?
On June 25th 1950- North Korean Communist forces cross the 38th parallel and invade South Korea.
On June 27th 1950- Truman orders US forces to assist the South Koreans
Chinese enter on the side of North Koreans
UN condemns the invasion and establishes a 15- nation fighting force
Talk about the arms Race?
In November 1952, the U.S. Explodes the first hydrogen bomb on a test site in the Marshall Islands.Later that year the Soviets announce the first test of a hydrogen bomb. The arms race begins- the U.S. And USSR try to outdo each other in their race to have more weapons of mass destruction
Talk about Stalin’s death?
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin dies of a stroke on March 5th, 1953. An armistice is signed ending the Korean War. A border between North and South Korea was roughly the same as it had been in 1950
Talk about “the thaw” following Stalin’s death?
After the death of Stalin, many historians believe there was a thaw in relations between USSR and U.S. The new leaders of the USSR wanted to improve relations between countries.
Talk about Khrushchev’s speech?
In 1956, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev denounces the policies of Stalin. He rejects Leninist ideas of inevitability of war. He calls for “peaceful coexistence” between Capitalist and Communist systems.
Talk about the Berlin Wall?
In 1961, Khrushchev suggests to New U.S. president John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) that the west remove themselves from West Berlin. Large numbers of East German refugees have been escaping since 1945. JFK refuses and the Berlin Wall is erected in August 1961.
Talk about the Bay of Pigs?
Marxist Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba, from American-backed dictator Batista. JFK approves plan to invade Cuba, with an invasion force of 1400 Batista supporters. Castro’s forces defeat Batista supporters at the Bay of Pigs. JFK takes full responsibility for the disaster.
Talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis?
The Soviet Union installs nuclear missiles in Cuba, capable of reaching most of the U.S. JFK orders Naval Blockade of Cuba. Khrushchev orders the Russian ships, bringing in the missiles back. Compromise reached- USSR would dismantle missile sites and U.S. would promise not to invade Cuba and dismantle nuclear sites on Turkey
Talk about the hotline?
The U.S. and USSR agree to install a hotline allowing leaders of both countries to communicate during a crisis. Both sides realise how easily a nuclear war could have started
Talk about Detentè?
From the 1970s-1990s there was permanent relaxation of relations between the East and west. Both sides became increasingly fearful of a nuclear war.
Talk about Gorbachev coming to power?
Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power in the USSR in 1985. He intends to modernise the communist party with principles of Glastnost (openness) and restructuring (perestroika)
Talk about the fall of the Berlin Wall?
In 1989, Hungary opens its border with Austria, allowing East Germans to flee to the west. After massive public demonstrations in Eastern Germany and Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall falls on November 9th.
Talk about German Unification?
September 1990- US,USSR, Britain, France and Two Germany’s agree to end allied occupation rights in Germany. October 3rd- East and West Germany unite as federal republic of Germany
Talk about the Collapse of the Soviet Union?
- While on vacation in Crimea, Gorbachev is ousted by a coup of Communist hard-liners. The coup falters as citizens take to the streets in support of Russian president Boris Yeltsin. Gorbachev is released from house arrest. He officially resigns Christmas 1991. THE SOVIET UNION IS DISSOLVED