Week 9- Formulas that Clear Heat_from the Organs Flashcards
Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Ingredients Ma Huang [Ephedrae Herba] Shi Gao [Gypsum Firbrosum] Xing Ren [Armeniacae Semen] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx preparata]
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Facilitates the flow of LU Qi, clears heat, calms wheezing by directing rebellious Qi downward
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Fever w or wo sweating, thirst, wheezing, coughing, labored breathing, nasal flaring and pain
TONGUE: white or yellow, thin coating
PULSE: rapid, floating or slippery
*esp useful for CHILDREN
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Heat lodged in the LUs
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Maidservant from Yue’s Decoction
Yue Bi Tang
Ingredients Ma Huang [Ephedrae Herba] Shi Gao [Gypsum Fibrosum] Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rz recens] Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx] Da Zao [Jujubae Fructus]
Yue Bi Tang
Induces sweating, disseminates the LU qi and moves WATER
Yue Bi Tang
Wind-EDEMA w aversion to drafts, generalized edema that begins in the face, slight fever, slight but continuous sweating
PULSE: floating
*edema is the primary sx
Yue Bi Tang
Ingredients Chao Sang Bai Pi [dry-fried Mori Cx] Di Gu Pi [Lycii Cx] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx preparata] Jing Mi [Nonglutinous rice]
Xie Bai San
Drains heat from the LUs and calms wheezing
Xie Bai San
Coughing, wheezing, fever w skin that feels hot to the touch, all of which worsen in the LATE AFTERNOON
Also a dry mouth, little or difficult to expectorate sputum
PULSE: thin, rapid
TONGUE: red with yellow coating
Xie Bai San
Lurking fire due to constrained heat in the LUs
Xie Bai San
Drain the White Powder
Xie Bai San
Drain the Yellow Powder
Xie Huang San
Shi Gao [Gypsum Fibrosum]
Zhi Zi [Gardeniae Fructus]
Chao Fang Feng [dry-fried Saposhnikoviae Rx]
Huo Xiang Ye [Pogostemonis/Agastaches Foilum]
Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx]
Xie Huang San
Clears lurking fire from the SP and ST
Xie Huang San
Mouth ulcers, bad breath, thirst, frequent hunger, dry mouth and lips
TONGUE: red; in children, thrusting tongue
PULSE: rapid
Xie Huang San
Lurking fire in the SP
Xie Huang San
Clear the ST powder
Qing Wei San
Ingredients Huang Lian [Coptidis Rz] Sheng Ma [Cimicifugae Rz] Mu Dan Pi [Moutan Cx] Sheng Di Huang [Rehmanniae Rx] Dang Gui Shen [Angelicae sinensis Radix]
Qing Wei San
Drains ST fire, cools the blood, and nourishes the YIN
Qing Wei San
Toothache [esp when the pain extends into the head], facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth
TONGUE: red w little coating
*also bleeding/sores of the gums, swollen, painful tongue, lips or jaw
PULSE: slippery, large, rapid
Qing Wei San
Heat accumulation in the ST
Qing Wei San
Jade Woman Decoction
Yu Nu Jian
Ingredients Shi Gao [Gypsum Fibrosum] Shu Di Huang [Rehmanniae Rx preparata] Zhi Mu [Anemarrhenae Rz] Mai Men Dong [Ophiopogonis Rx] Niu Xi [Achyranthis Rx]
Yu Nu Jian
Drains heat from the ST and nourishes the yin
Yu Nu Jian
Toothache, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal HA, irritability and fever, thirst w a desire to drink cold beverages
*wasting and thirsting disorder from deficiency
TONGUE: dry, red w yellow coating
PULSE: floating, slippery, DEFICIENT, large
Yu Nu Jian
KD yin deficiency w vigorous ST fire
Yu Nu Jian
Guide Out the Red Powder
Dao Chi San
Ingredients Sheng Di Huang [Rehmanniae Rx] Mu Tong [Akebiae Caulis] Dan Zhu Ye [Lophatheri Herba] Gan Cao Shao [Glycyrrhizae Rx tenuis]
Dao Chi San
Clears the HT and promotes urination
Dao Chi San
Irritability w a sensation of heat in the chest, whist w a desire to drink cold beverages, a red face, possibility sores around the mouth
*dark, scanty, rough, painful urination or even clearly visible blood in the urine
PULSE: rapid
Dao Chi San
‘HT heat’
Dao Chi San
Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Ingredients Long Dan Dao [Gentianae Rx] Caho Huang Qin [dry-fried Scutellariae Rx] Zhi Zi [Gardeniae Fructus] Mu Tong [Akebiae Caulis] Che Qian Zi [Platagonis Semen] Ze Xie [Alismatis Rz] Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Sheng Di Huang [Rehmanniae Rx] Jiu Xi Dang Gui [wind-washed Angelicae sinensis Rx] Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx]
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Pain in the hypochondria, headache, dizziness, red and sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in the ears, a bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, short temper
*difficult, painful urination w a sensation of heat in the urethra, swollen, pruritic external genitalia, or foul-smelling leukorrhea
*shortened menstrual cycle, reddish-purple menstrual blood
TONGUE: red w yellow coating
PULSE: wiry, rapid, forceful
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Drains fire excess from the LV and GB, and clears and drains damp-heat from the lower burner
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Heat excess in the LV and/or GB channels
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Left Metal Pill
Zuo Jin Wan
Huang Lian [Coptidis Rz]
Wu Zhu Yu [Evodiae Fructus]
Zuo Jin Wan
Clears LV heat, directs rebellious Qi downward, and stops vomiting
Zuo Jin Wan
Hypochondriac pain, indeterminate gnawing hunger, epigastric focal distention, vomiting, acid reflux, belching, a bitter taste in the mouth, a dry mouth
TONGUE: red w yellow coating
PULSEL wiry, rapid
Zuo Jin Wan
Heat in the LV channel causing disharmony between the LV and ST w pain localized along the LV channel
Zuo Jin Wan
Peony Decoction
Shao Yao Tang
Ingredients Shao Yao [Paeoniae Rx] Dang Gui [Angelicae sinensis Rx] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx] Mu Xiang [Auklandiae Rx] Bing Lang [Arecae Semen] Huang Lian [Coptidis Rz] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Da Huang [Rhei Rx et Rz] Rou Gui [Cinnamomi Cx]
Shao Yao Tang
Regulates and harmonizes the Qi and Blood, clears heat, dries dampness, and resolves toxicity
Shao Yao Tang
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, difficulty w defecation, diarrhea w pus and blood (EQUAL AMOUNT), a burning sensation around the anus, dark, scanty urine
TONGUE: greasy, slightly yellow tongue coating
PULSE: rapid
Shao Yao Tang
Dysenteric disorder due to damp-heat lodged in the Intestines
Frequently associated w food poisoning or the contraction of an epidemic toxin
Shao Yao Tang
Pulsatilla Decoction
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Ingredients Bai Tou Weng [Pulsatillae Rx] Huang Lian [Coptidis Rz] Huang Bai [Phellodendri Cx] Qin Pi [Fraxini Cx]
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, and alleviates dysenteric disorders
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, a burning sensation around the anus, diarrhea containing MORE BLOOD than pus, thirst
TONGUE: red w yellow coating
PULSE: wiry, rapid
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Hot dysenteric disorder due to heat toxin searing the ST and Intestines
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Sang Bai (Mori Cortex) combines a moistening nature with an acrid flavor, allowing it to drain heat without damaging the LU. It is assisted by the deputy, Di Gu Pi (Lycii Cortex), which enters the KD to clear heat from deficiency.
Xie Bai San
Modified Bai Hu Tang
Xie Bai Tang
Wheezing and coughing due to heat constraining the diffusion and downward-directing of the LU qi.
Treats patterns characterized by heat EXCESS arising either from the contraction of a cold pathogen that has transformed into heat or from excess internal heat.
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Wheezing and coughing due to heat constraining the diffusion and downward-directing of the LU qi.
LU fire from constraint against a background of yin DEFICIENCY.
Xie Bai San
Often characterized by a sensation of STEAMING heat in the afternoons, and by skin that is warm to the touch but dry.
Xie Bai San
Presentations will typically have light sweating and signs of EXCESS heat, such as fever and thirst.
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Both formulas treat excess fire in the Spleen and Stomach manifesting with symptoms in the face and mouth. This one…
Focuses on resolving toxicity and clearing fire caused by damp-heat in the Stomach that penetrates into the blood. For this reason, the formula combines bitter, cold Coptidis Rhizoma (huang lian) with herbs that cool the blood.
Qing Wei San
Both formulas treat excess fire in the Spleen and Stomach manifesting with symptoms in the face and mouth. This one…
…focuses on draining lurking heat in the Spleen and Stomach that constrains their yang qi. Therefore, it pairs cold substances that clear the qi with warm and acrid herbs that facilitate the qi dynamic of the middle burner, but avoids bitter and cold herbs like Coptidis Rhi- zoma (huang lian).
Xie Huang San
Both of these formulas treat toothache and gum problems from Stomach fire. However…
_________________ treats blazing fire caused by damp-heat and toxin. It uses Coptidis Rhizoma (huang lian) as the chief herb to treat the root and follows the inherent momentum of the disorder by using Cimicifugae Rhizoma (sheng rna) to VENT heat to the exterior.
Qing Wei San
Both of these formulas treat toothache and gum problems from Stomach fire. However…
treats yin deficiency with vigorous fire. This requires a strategy that directs the fire downward, rather than dispersing it. For this reason, it utilizes Achyranthis Radix (Niu Xi) which causes Fire to descend.
Yu Niu Jian
The differences between these two formulas is a reflection of the differences between their chief herbs.
Gentianae Radix (long dan cao) is more effective than Coptidis Rhizoma (huang lian) in draining fire from the Liver but is unable to harmonize the functions of the Stomach.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver) vs. Zuo Jin Wan (Left Metal Pill)
Has ingredients that promote the movement of Qi. It is therefore used for conditions with LESS HEAT and toxicity (less BLOOD in the stool) and more Qi stagnation (abdominal pain and tenesmus).
Also has less heat-clearing and toxicity-resolving actions than Bai Tou Weng Tang.
Shao Yao Tang
Pulsatillae Radix (Bai Tou Weng) is the principal herb in the materia medica for treating dysenteric disorders. It serves as the chief herb in this formula because of its ability to clear damp-heat and resolve fire toxicity from the Large Intestine, especially in the BLOOD LEVEL.
Bai Tou Weng Tang