Week 7- Formulas that Clear Heat_from the Qi Level Flashcards
Clears Qi-Level heat, drains ST fire, generates fluids, and alleviates thirst
Bai Hu Tang
High fever w profuse sweating and an aversion to heat, a red face, severe thirst, irritability
May have ha, toothache, or bleeding of the gums and nose
PULSE: flooding, forceful or slippery, rapid
Bai Hu Tang
Blazing heat in the Yang Ming channel warp of the 6 warps of disease or the Qi level of the 4 levels of disease
Bai Hu Tang
Which channel contains an abundance of Qi and Blood?
Yang Ming Channel
Ingredients Shi Gao [Gypsum Fibrosum] Zhi Mu [Anemarrheanae Rhizoma] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata] Jing Mi [Nonglutinous rice]
Bai Hu Tang
In Bai Hu Tang, ax of Shi Gao
Chief- acrid, sweet, extremely cold
Clearing heat from the interior
Venting pathogenic heat to the exterior
Releasing heat constraint from the muscle layer and skin
Moistening/ enriching the yin to supper the generation of the body fluids
In Bai Hu Tang, ax of Zhi Mu
Deputy- bitter, cold, moistening
Assisting Shi Gao in Clearing heat from the LU & ST to alleviate irritability, moistens dryness, enriches the Yin
In Bai Hu Tang, ax of Zhi Gan Cao & Jing Mi
Assistant & Envoy
Benefit the ST and protect the fluids
Prevent extremely cold properties of the other ingredients from injuring the middle burner
C/I Bai Hu Tang
Floating, wiry and thin- pathogen in the exterior
Floating, thin or deficient pulse w fever sweating, aversion to wind- Yin fire due to SP/ ST deficiency
Submersed- pathogen in the yang organs, needs to be purged
Clears Qi-Level heat from summer heat disorder, drains ST fire, generates fluids, and alleviates thirst, nourishes Qi
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang
4 BIGS with forceless pulse, or with generalized weakness
slight aversion to cold in the back, unquenchable thirst
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang
Injury to the Qi and fluids resulting from a summer heat disorder or from sweating, vomiting or purgation or from exhaustion of qi in the course of Yang ming disorder
Or contemporarily for Diabetes mellius w ST FIRE
Bai Hu Tang
+ Ren Shen [Ginseng Radix]
or Xi Yang Shen [Panacis Quinquefolii Radix]
Clears Qi-Level heat from summer heat disorder, drains ST fire, generates fluids, and alleviates thirst_Damp Warm Heat pathogen
Bai Hu Jia Cang Zhu Tang
Fever, epigastric distention, profuse sweating, a generalized sensation of heaviness, cold feet
TONGUE: Red greasy
Bai Hu Jia Cang Zhu Tang
Damp-Warm-Heat pathogen disease or Damp-painful obstruction that has transformed into heat
Wind-Damp-Heat painful obstruction w joint pain and generalized fever
*Damp predominant painful obstruction w swollen joints that are red and inflamed or hot to the touch
Bai Hu Jia Cang Zhu Tang
Clears heat, generates fluids, augments the qi and harmonized the ST
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
Ingredients Dan Zhu Ye [Lopatheri Herba] Shi Gao [Gypsum Fibrosum] Ren Shen [Ginseng Radix] Mai Men Dong [Ophiopogonis Radix] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata] Jing Mi [Nonglutinous rice]
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
Lingering fever (from febrile disease) accompanied by vomiting, irritability, thirst, parched mouth, lips and throat, choking cough, stifling sensation in the chest
Some may experience insomnia and restlessness
TONGUE: red with little coating
PULSE: deficient, rapid
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
Qi level heat lingering in the LU & ST where it injures the qi and fluids
Usually occurs during the recovery stage or aftermath of febrile disease
Mixed pattern of excess and deficiency where lingering pathogenic heat has damaged the qi and fluids, qi dynamic in the body has been disordered to expel the pathogen
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
In Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, ax of Shi Gao
Chief clears the lurking heat from the LU & ST, vents pathogenic heat to the exterior and helps to order the qi dynamic, generates fluids and stops thirst
In Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, ax of Dan Zhu Ye
Deputy, sweet bland cold, enters into the HT LU and ST, clears lingering heat through the urine but also vents it from the UJ.
In Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, ax of Ren Shen & Mai Men Dong
Deputies complement each other to moisten the LUs and nourish the Yin
Benefit the ST
Generate fluids
Clear heat from the HT & eliminate irritability
In Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, ax of Zhi Ban Xia
Assistant, acrid and warm, directs rebellious qi downward and thereby stops the vomiting
*invigorates the SP Qi and reduces the cloying, stagnating properties of Mai Men Dong
In Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, ax of Zhi Gan Cao & Jing Mi
Envoys assist Ren Shen in tonifying the Qi
Harmonize the middle burner, nourish the ST, protecting ST from Shi Gao
Clears heat and alleviates restlessness and irritability
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
Fever, irritability, insomnia w tossing and turning in bed, a stifling sensation in the chest w a soft epigastrium, hunger wo a desire to eat
TONGUE: slightly yellow coating
PULSE: slightly rapid or strong, floating at the distal position
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
Qi level heat lingering in the superficial aspects of the Yang Ming Warp (the muscle and chest)
Heat constrained in the qi level leads to fever, irritability- ‘Deficiency irritability’
‘Formless accumulation’
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
What formula?
Zhi Zi [Gardeniae Fructus]
Dan Dou Chi [Sojae Semen preparatum]
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
in Zhi Zi Chi Tang, ax of Zhi Zi
Chief, bitter, cold, excels at clearing constrained heat from the SJ, HT, ST, LV by directing it downward and eliminating it via the urine
in Zhi Zi Chi Tang, ax of Dan Dou Chi
Deputy supports the chief herb by dispersion what remains of the heat via the body’s exterior; weaker in cooling ax but strong in dredging, venting and spreading constrained heat
Zhi Zi [Gardeniae Fructus]
Dan Dou Chi [Sojae Semen preparatum]
Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata]
Zhi Zi Gan Cao Chi Tang
For what s/sx Gan Cao is added in Zhi Zi Chi Tang?
for SOB as well as fever, irritability, insomnia w tossing and turning in bed, a stifling sensation in the chest w a soft epigastrium, hunger wo a desire to eat
Zhi Zi [Gardeniae Fructus]
Dan Dou Chi [Sojae Semen preparatum]
Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rhizoma]
Zhi Zi Sheng Jiang Chi Tang
For what s/sx Sheng Jiang is added in Zhi Zi Chi Tang?
for vomiting as well as fever, irritability, insomnia w tossing and turning in bed, a stifling sensation in the chest w a soft epigastrium, hunger wo a desire to eat