Week 13- Formulas that Harmonize_Harmonize Lesser Yang-Stage Disorders Flashcards
Minor Bupleurum Decoction
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Ingredients Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rz preparatum] Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rz recens] Ren Shen [Ginseng Rx] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx prep] Da Zao [Jujubae Fructus]
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Harmonizes and releases lesser yang-warp disorders
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter taste in the mouth, dizziness, irritability, sensation of illness in the chest and hypochondria [often experienced as difficulty in taking deep breaths], heartburn, nausea and vomiting, being downcast w no desire to eat
*possible palpitation, coughing or urinary dysfunction
TONGUE: thin, white tongue coating
PULSE: wiry
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Lesser yang-warp disorder
Cold pathogen constraining the lesser yang warp and impending its ability to direct the clear upward and the turbid downward
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Ingredients Gui Zhi [Cinnamomi Ramulus] Huang Qing [Scutellariea Rx] Ren Shen [Ginseng Rx] Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rz preparatum] Shao Yao [Paeoniae Rx] Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rz recens] Da Zao [Jujubae Fructus]
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Release the muscle layer and exterior and harmonizes and releases lesser yang-warp disorders
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Join-pain w ‘crackling’ sensation due to wind in the joints, chills and aversion to wind
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Lesser yang disorder w joint pain
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang
Bupleurum and Four-Substance Decoction
Chai Hu Si Wu Tang
Ingredients Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rz prep] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx prep] Ren Shen [Ginseng Rx] Bai Shao [Paeoniae Rx alba] Shu Di Huang [Rehmanniae Rx prep] Dang Gui [Angelicae sinensis Rx] Chuan Xiong [Chuanxiong Rz]
Chai Hu Si Wu Tang
Harmonizes Terminal Yin and Lesser Yang channels
Moves / nourishes blood
Chai Hu Si Wu Tang
For externally-contracted pathogenic influences that penetrate to the terminal yin warp, characterized by pain extending from the chest to the back and alternating fever and chills, w symptoms often becoming worse at night
TONGUE: pale w dark-purple spots
PULSE: wiry, thin
Chai Hu Si Wu Tang
Externally-contracted pathogenic influences which penetrate to the terminal Yin-stage.
Chai Hu Si Wu Tang
Bupleurum Decocion plus Mirabilite
Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang
Ingredients Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Ren Shen [Ginseng Rx] Zhi Gan Cao [Glycyrrhizae Rx preparata] Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rz recens] Zhi Ban Xia [Poinelliae Rx preparatum] Da Zao [Jujubae Fructus] Mang Xiao [Natrii Sulfas]
Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang
Harmonizes and releases the lesser yang, softens hardness, and drains downward
Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang
Constipation and fullness in the chest and hypochondria w vomiting and alternating fever and chills [fever more pronounced in the afternoon]
Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang
Inappropriate purging that injures the ST yin
Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang
Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction to Clear the GB
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Ingredients Qing Hao [Artemisiae annuae Herba] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Zhu Ru [Bambusae Caulis in taeniam] Zhi Ke [Aurantii Fructus] Chen Pi [Citri reticulatae Pericarpium] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rz prep] Chi Fu Ling [Poria Rubra] Bi Yu San [Jasper Powder]
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Clears GB heat, harmonizes the ST Qi and transforms phlegm
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Mild chills alternating w pronounced fever, a bitter taste in the mouth, a stifling sensation in the chest, spitting up bitter or sour fluids [or vomiting yellow, brackish fluids, or in severe cases, dry heaves]. thirst w or wo a desire to drink, distention and pain in the the chest and hypochondria
TONGUE: red w thick, greasy coating, usually white and/or white & combination
PULSE: rapid, slippery on the right, wiry on the left
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Damp-heat and turbid phlegm in the lesser yang channels constraining the protective and nutritive Qi
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone nd Oyster Shell Decoction
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Ingredients Chai Hu [Bupleuri Rx] Huang Qin [Scutellariae Rx] Zhi Ban Xia [Pinelliae Rz prep] Ren Shen [Ginseng Rx] Sheng Jiang [Zingiberis Rz recens] Gui Zhi [Cinnamomi Ramulus] Fu Ling [Poria] Long Gu [Fossilia Ossis Mastodi] Mu Li [Ostreae Concha] Da Huang [Rhei Rx et Rz] Da Zao [Jujubae Fructus] Qian Dan [Minium]
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Unblocks the three yang warps, and sedates and dales the spirit
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Fullness in the chest, irritability w occasional attacks of fright palpitations, urinary difficulty, constipation, delirious speech, inability to rotate the trunk, a sensation of extreme heaviness throughout the body
TONGUE: red w slippery coating
PULSE: wiry, rapid
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Problems in all three of the yang channels
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang