Week 9 Exam Flashcards
Matthew - Purpose
Useful as a teaching manual for Christians; Shows Jesus in His Person and life as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies
Mark - Purpose
Emphasized on the good news and salvation in Christ, Jesus was the Son of God; presented Jesus as God’s servant who committed Himself to go all the way to the cross
Luke - Purpose
To set out an orderly account that would help his friend, Theophilus, have an assurance about Christian belief and doctrine; Luke wanted to set an accurate account of both facts which he recorded and in the truths which he explained; He wanted to strengthen the faith of his Gentile Christian friends
John - Purpose
Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Matthew - Attributes
- Highlights the teaching of Jesus (such as the Sermon on the Mount, Parables, and Olivet Discourse)
- Evangelistic tool to reach unbelieving Jews
- Emphasizes Jesus’ miracles
Mark - Attributes
- Shortest of the Gospels
- Written for Roman Readers
- Focuses on Actions of Jesus
- Stresses Servanthood of Jesus
- Records More Miracles
- Records Emotional Reactions
- Stresses Obedience to the Gospel
Luke - Attributes
- Longest Gospel, only Gospel not written by an eyewitness of Jesus’ life
- Written to reach and encourage Gentile Christians
- Shows interest in the poor and needy
- Vivid picture of Christ
- Emphasizes Jesus’ prayer life
- Emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit
- Emphasizes hymns of praise
John - Attributes
- Written to produce faith in Jesus
- Supplements the Synoptics
- Emphasizes the Judean Ministry
- No Parables; Miracles function as signs to point to God
- Dramatizes Jesus’ claims of Deity
Did all the disciples personally know Jesus? If not, where did they get their information to write their book?
No. Some of them got information from eyewitnesses.
Who were each of the books written to?
Matthew - Jews
Mark - Roman Readers
Luke - Gentile Christians
John - Christians who needed instruction
Matthew - Author
A tax collector and lesser known disciple
Mark - Author
Coworker of Paul
Luke - Author
A Gentile Physician and companion of Paul
John - Author
The beloved disciple who was loved by Jesus
Angel at Jesus’ birth
Definition of Immanuel
God is with us
Jesus’ temptation - why did Satan make the 3 choices of temptations?
- Turning stones to bread - God will provide all of our needs - the devil was doing this because Jesus had been starving for 40 days and 40 nights
- Jumping off a building - You can’t test God, and the devil was quoting scripture wrong - the devil was tempting Jesus because he wanted to see if Jesus would listen to him.
- Every single kingdom granted to Jesus - Jesus has the power of God, and we are told only to praise God - the devil was tempting Jesus in this way because he wanted to see if Jesus would bow down to him.
Rich Young Ruler
He couldn’t give up His wealth to enter the Kingdom of God
What happened in nature at the crucifixion?
An earthquake
Road to Emmaus
Jesus appears to two of the disciples after His resurrection
John’s 7 signs
- Changing water into wine
- Healing an official’s son
- Healing the paralyzed man
- Feeding the five thousand
- Walking on water
- Healing the man who had been born blind
- Rating Lazarus from the dead
John’s 7 “I Am’s”
- “I am the bread of life”
- “I am the light of the world”
- “I am the gate for the sheep”
- “I am the good shepherd”
- “I am the resurrection and the life”
- “I am the way and the truth and the life”
- “I am the true vine”
The 3 jobs of the Holy Spirit
- Sin - Believe in Jesus.
- Righteousness - Jesus will rule with God.
- Judgement - Satan will be defeated.
Briefly tell the story of Peter’s change. How did Jesus respond to Peter’s failures?
Peter was a challenger that usually spoke first, and fought for Jesus. He was quick to jump into situations, but slow to think about what he was doing. He even denied that he knew Jesus three times! Jesus responded that he would not die a normal death.
Briefly tell the story of Thomas. How did Jesus respond to him?
Thomas doubted that Jesus was alive, and when he saw Jesus alive, Jesus told him that anyone who believes without seeing is blessed. We can learn from this story to believe in God without seeing Him.
Why did Matthew show Jesus’ lineage through Joseph. Joseph was not his biological father, so why did it matter?
It mattered because a foster child receives the same privileges as the father, so Jesus was Joseph’s son with full rights.
Who was Luke, and what New Testament books did he write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?
Luke was the author of the book of Luke and Acts. He wrote these books because he wanted his friend Theophilus to be led to the Holy Spirit. Luke’s book the book of Luke is actually the lengthiest book in the New Testament.
How and why are the genealogies of Matthew & Luke different?
Luke presents more information in Jesus’ life, as well as the expanded genealogy. Luke’s genealogy goes back to Adam, while Matthew’s goes back to Abraham. As you may see, Luke’s is longer. Matthew was written to the Jews because they would listen if Jesus’ line included Abraham.
Why do you think Pilate permitted a man he knew to be innocent to be crucified?
It was peer pressure. He was pressured by the people to crucify Jesus. If he didn’t, he might lose his job and his reputation.
Synoptic Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke
How do we know John was close to Jesus?
Jesus loved him and asked him to take care of Mary
Important number in John and why?
153 is Jesus’ resurrection
How is John different from other Gospels?
It is about salvation rather than power
Bible evidence that Jesus is God
“I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30)
Importance of I AM in John
Jesus is God
In John 1, what word does John use to represent Jesus?
The Word
Who came to Jesus by night and listened to Jesus talking about being born again?