Final Exam Flashcards
What Jewish law did the Jewish leaders claim Jesus had broken?
Which Gospel tells of the shepherd’s visit to the manger and Jesus’ presentation in the temple on His eighth day?
List the 3 languages that Jesus and His disciples most likely spoke. (2 are definite; 1 is likely)
Hebrew (definite), Aramaic (definite), Greek (likely)
What Roman law did the Roman leaders claim Jesus had broken?
challenge to Caesar
What group denied angels, spirits, and immortality?
Mark the 3 synoptic Gospels.
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
Jesus’ second year of ministry is often called “the year of
To travel from the province of Judea to the province of Galilee, what province would you need to travel through?
Which social class was the largest in Roman society?
The common language of the people was what?
Mark the 2 Gospels that give the genealogies of Jesus
- Matthew
2. Luke
The New Testament focuses on what one person?
What was the name of the wealthy aristocracy of Judaism?
What group was religiously-oriented within Jewish society?
The first 4 books of the New Testament are called the
The largest group whom Jesus appeared after His resurrection was over 1,000 people.
Why did the Jews have to take Jesus to Pilate?
Because they could not crucify Him without Roman judgement.
This Gospel’s geneology contains the names of four Gentile women.
Write at least 2 sentences, explaining 2 reasons that Jesus’ trials were illegal.
First, they didn’t start in the morning and end in the night. Second, they based their trial on what He said, which is illegal.
Jesus’ attitude in teaching was authoritative; when He stated a truth, He proclaimed it on His own authority.
Fill in the blank. Be sure to spell the word correctly or Buzz will mark it wrong. Jesus’ third year of ministry is often called “the year of
Fill in the blank. Be sure to spell the word correctly or Buzz will mark it wrong. Jesus’ first year of ministry is often called “the year of
What group was considered to be fanatical nationalists?
Match the city with its the appropriate region.
Match the city with its the appropriate region.
Match the city with its the appropriate region.
Match the city with its the appropriate region.
Match the city with its the appropriate region.
How many books are in the New Testament?
Why was crucifixion such an awful death?
Crucifixion was slow and painful.
What group did most of the high priestly families belong?
What group of people controlled all the businesses related to the temple (such as selling sacrificial animals & exchanging money of the visitors)?
In what city did Jesus spend most of His second year of ministry? Be sure to spell correctly and capitalize.
In Luke 24:13-35, we read about Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension and His journey with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jesus talked with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus the very same day He was raised from the dead.
In Mark 10:17-22, we read about the Rich Young Ruler. Why did the rich man go away sad?
He loved his wealth more than God
Which of the Gospel writers was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Which Gospel writer was a tax collector?
Mary and Joseph had NOT experienced a sexual union when she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus died, how long was darkness over the land?
three hours
In Mark 14:53-72, we read about Jesus’ final week. When Peter heard the rooster crow a second time, he wept because…
he had failed His Lord
Luke’s information about the spread of Christianity and the development of the early church probably came largely from…
In the temptation to jump from the Temple, the issue was __________.
trust in God
In Luke 1:26-38, we read about Jesus’ birth. What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary?
Which of the Gospel writers was a doctor?
The Gospel of Luke emphasizes that the gospel message reaches out to Gentiles.
John’s Gospel features seven miraculous signs that support the idea that Jesus is God’s Son.
The boldest statements of the deity of Jesus are found in John’s Gospel.
In the temptation to turn stones into bread, the issue was __________.
obedience to God
Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is unique to John’s Gospel.
Matthew makes frequent use of the Old Testament.
John’s Gospel was probably the last one written.
satisfaction of spiritual hunger
“I am the bread of life”
spiritual enlightenment
“I am the light of the world”
“I am the gate for the sheep”
guide and protector
“I am the good shepherd”
hope at death
“I am the resurrection and the life”
the way to the Father
“I am the way and the truth and the life”
vitality and productivity
“I am the true vine”
The book of Acts is the continuation of what other book in the New Testament?
According to Acts 15:13-21, the early Church faced the question of whether or not Gentiles must adopt a Jewish lifestyle. What was the significance of James’ choice of things from which Gentile believers should abstain?
These guidelines would help Jewish and Gentile believers get along
What is the difference between the Old Testament Gentile believers (Ruth, Rahab. . .) and the Gentile believers (Cornelius) in Acts?
The difference is that OT personalities converted to Judaism, while NT people did not.
Who wrote the book of Acts?
According to Acts 18-21, in what areas did Paul spend most of his Third Missionary Journey?
cities and provinces where he had founded churches
Who offered money to the apostles if they would pass on their ability to perform “signs and miracles”?
How many people became believers at Pentecost?
Which church leader helped the Ethiopian man to understand the Scripture?
True of False. Saul was an atheist.
Ananias & Saphira
chapter 5
Jesus’ ascension
chapter 1
Missionary Journey 2
chapters 16-18
Missionary Journey 3
chapters 18-21
Missionary Journey 1
chapters 13 & 14
Jerusalem Council
chapter 15
Cornelius’s conversion
chapter 10
Saul’s conversion
chapter 9
True or False. Saul was a Gentile.
Compare Peter from the time he denied knowing Jesus at Jesus’ trial to the Peter who went to Cornelius.
Peter was quick to speak and quick to act when he denied Jesus. At Cornelius’s conversion, he was much wiser and submissive to God.
According to Acts 15:13-21, the Jerusalem Council decided that circumcision and obeying the Mosaic law were not necessary for salvation.
Describe Peter’s vision and the importance of it.
Peter’s vision from God was of a cloth full of unclean animals. God told peter to kill and eat them, but Peter rejected this command. Peter realized that he must preach to the Gentiles, no matter how unclean he thought of them to be.
In which city did Paul stay the longest during his second missionary journey?
What is the difference between Acts 1-12 and Acts 13-28?
Acts 1-12 focuses on the Gospel being preached to the Jews, while Acts 13-28 focuses on the Gospel being preached to the Gentiles.
To what city was Paul headed when he shipwrecked?
Write Acts 1:8 from memory. What Bible translation did you use? This is worth 15 points!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (CSB; Christian Standard Bible)
In Acts 9:1-9, Paul encountered Christ while on the road to Damascus and was blinded. How long was Paul blind?
three days
What did Stephen do immediately before his death?
preached a sermon to those who killed him
True or False. Paul fully supported John Mark leaving the missionary journey and going back to Jerusalem.
On what Jewish holiday did the church begin?
When Peter was at Cornelius’ house, he preached that God accepted people from all nations who followed the righteousness of repentance and faith in Jesus.
What is the purpose of Acts?
The purpose of Acts is to show Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s role.
True or False. Luke was a Gentile.
Why did the new church need to choose 7 men to be deacons?
They chose theme because the disciples were overworked and could not preach the Gospel to the widows and follow God’s path for their lives at the same time. So, seven deacons were appointed.
According to Acts 18-21, where did Paul spend most of his time on his Third Missionary Journey?
According to Acts 21:17-36, thousands of Jews had become Christians in Jerusalem.
God gave him a vision telling him to go to the Gentiles
Jesus 1/2 brother & a leader of the church
Servant at the prayer meeting
Lied to God
Ananias & Sapphira
Stoned while Saul held the coats of those throwing the stones
A persecutor of Jews
Wrote Galatians, Ephesians and Corinthians
Took Paul to Christian churches where people feared him
One of the chief reasons Jews avoided table fellowship with Gentiles was that Gentiles ate food considered unclean by the Jews.
In Acts 5-6, Ananias and Sapphira’s sin was against God.
In what city was Saul born?
If Cornelius would have died the day before Peter came to him, what would have been his eternal destiny? Give evidence for your answer.
Hell. He had not been baptized.
Who went on the first missionary journey with Paul? (2 people)
John Mark and Barnabas.
What was Ananias’ first response to the Lord’s instruction regarding Paul?
fearful and reluctant
True or False. John the Baptist wrote I, II, & III John.
What are the qualifications of an overseer (pastor)? Make a list. I Timothy 3:1-7 lists 15 qualifications. (5 points)
- Atop disappointment
- Honest to their spouse
- Levelheaded
- Has self-control
- Honorable
Neighborly - Apt to instruct
- Not become drunk
- Tender
- Not at all Argumentative
- Not at all greedy
- Good house caretaker
- Not a new Christian
- Has a reputable reputation
- Their kids must listen to them
Describe love in 2-3 sentences according to I John 3:11-18.
To love means not to detest one another. We must help each other out even if it puts our own life at stake.
True or False. Luke most likely did not write Hebrews because we see no medical terminology in the book.
On what Isle was John exiled?
Research: What was the Egnatian Way?
The Egnation Way is Philippi’s pathway.
Show how Paul’s personality determines how he wrote his letters which became books of the Bible.
Paul was very determined and hardworking toward his goals, and he never gave up. He was a faithful believer in Christ, which helped him write some books for the Bible.
List the 7 churches to whom Paul wrote.
- Romans
- Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Thessalonians
What does II Timothy 3:16 say about all Scripture?
Scripture is all God’s Word, and it is the perfect teaching tool for our lives.
True or False. Paul’s letters are placed in order from the largest book to the smallest book.
What are the 3 evidences of true faith in I John?
- Obedience
- Love
- Right belief
What number is special to John in Revelation?
What was the decision Paul struggled with? He couldn’t decide which of 2 things he wanted to do most. What were the 2 choices and why did he want to do each of them?
He couldn’t decide between execution and release. If he were to be executed, he would be with Jesus. But if he were to be released, he could preach about Jesus even more.
What is the secret of Paul’s contentment?
He places his trust in God.
Why are Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon called the Prison Letters?
Paul was in prison when he wrote these letters.
What good has happened from Paul being in prison?
Jesus’ story is spread, and Christians are more encouraged to preach Jesus’ story.
What 2 people does Paul use as an example of living out Jesus?
- Timothy
2. Epaphroditus
What are some reasons scholars think Paul wrote Hebrews?
The print is authentic, it was written to Jewish-Christians, and Jesus spoke through someone to deliver the message.
List the 3 individuals to whom Paul wrote a letter, that became a book of the Bible.
- Timothy
- Tutus
- Philemon
Revelation 1-3 is a message to whom?
Revelation 1-3 is a message to churches.
The author of Hebrews shows Jesus is superior to who in chapter 1? (at least 2 sentences)
According to the “Theme of Hebrews” on page 192 of Step by Step, Christ’s superiority surpasses everyone’s. Finishing out that page and the paragraph on the next goes into a bit more detail on the topic, stating that angels and prophets are under Christ as well.
True or False. The letters of Paul are in chronological order.
What are the 3 themes of Revelation?
- Redemption
- Kingdom of God
- Judgement
True or False. John uses symbols from the Old Testament, and he expects his reader to research the symbolism
Define New Jerusalem
The eternal destiny for Christians after Jesus’ return.
Why can we assume that John knew the people he was writing to in I John?
He uses two indicator words, “brethren,” and “little children,” for the scholars.
Define the Great White Throne
The judgement for unbelievers. They are thrown into the lake of fire afterwards.
According to II Timothy 3:16, for what 4 things is Scripture useful?
(Excerpts taken from NIV version of 2 Timothy 3:16)
- “training in righteousness”
- “correcting”
- “rebuking”
- “teaching”
Who is the author of Revelation? Be specific
John, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.
Define millenium when it refers to Bible prophecy.
Satan will be figuratively bounded and for one thousand years on earth Christians will rule with Jesus.
What danger was facing Jewish-Christian believers in Hebrews?
Judaism was highly thought about among Jewish-Christians.
What 2 authors of the New Testament were Jesus’ brothers?
- James
2. Jude