Week 12 Test Flashcards
The book of Acts is the continuation of what other book in the New Testament?
True or False. Luke was a Gentile.
True or False. Luke is an example to us, showing us that even uneducated people can serve God.
True or False. Christianity spread from Jerusalem to Rome during the book of Acts.
What is the purpose of Acts?
Acts focuses on what Jesus (and the Holy Spirit) did
What is the difference between Acts 1-12 and Acts 13-28?
Acts 1-12 is about the spread of the Gospel in the Jews, while Acts 13-28, instead of it being the Jews, it’s the Gentiles.
On what Jewish holiday did the church begin?
How many people became believers at Pentecost?
Why did Ananias & Saphira die?
They stole money by lying about the cost of a property to build a church, and God killed them as a result.
Why did the new church need to choose 7 men to be deacons?
At the church, the apostles were working too much, and they couldn’t preach to widows and follow God’s path for them at the same time. The church therefore hired seven men to be deacons.
Servant at the prayer meeting
Stoned while Saul held the coats of those throwing the stones
Wrote Galatians, Ephesians and Corinthians
A persecutor of Jews
Lied to God
Ananias & Sapphira
God gave him a vision telling him to go to the Gentiles
Jesus 1/2 brother & a leader of the church
Took Paul to Christian churches where people feared him
Why did the angel tell Cornelius to send for Peter rather than directly telling him how to be saved?
God has ordained that the Gospel be spread through human believers, not through angels.
What did Stephen do immediately before his death?
preached a sermon to those who killed him
On Paul’s 3rd missionary journey, in what city did he stay for 3 years?
Explain the importance of the Jerusalem Council
The Jerusalem Council was a debate over the practice of circumcision and whether is was vital to being a Christian.
What 2 people had a vision regarding Gentiles becoming Christians?
Peter, Cornelius
If Cornelius would have died the day before Peter came to him, what would have been his eternal destiny? Give evidence for your answer.
Hell. He had not been baptized.
True or False. Saul was a Gentile.
Why did James say that Gentiles should lead moral lives, not eat meat offered to idols, and not eat the blood of an animal?
eliminating barriers in order to help Jewish and Gentile Christian believers find a way to get along. It was a compromise, because he was not asking the Gentile believers to be circumcised (the Jewish believers wanted them to) but he was asking them to take some simple steps toward unity by giving up some practices the Jews found offensive, which were “stumbling blocks” to them.
Describe Cornelius before Peter came to visit him?
Cornelius was an excellent Christian who feared God, prayed, and gave to the poor.
Compare Peter from the time he denied knowing Jesus at Jesus’ trial to the Peter who went to Cornelius.
Peter was a challenger who often acted before he thought, but when he visited Cornelius he was very wise and submissive toward God’s plan.
What event is often referred to as the Gentile Pentecost?
Cornelius’ conversion
Who is Ananias in Acts 9? Discuss his obedience to God.
Ananias had doubt for God’s plan for Saul, but he eventually obeyed God. I think his emotions of fear are in most of us, and the doubt that His plan is the right plan.
What is the difference between the Old Testament Gentile believers (Ruth, Rahab. . .) and the Gentile believers (Cornelius) in Acts?
in the OT (Ruth, Rahab, etc) they adopted Judaism and in the NT they didn’t- they became Christians.
True of False. Saul was an atheist.
True or False. Paul fully supported John Mark leaving the missionary journey and going back to Jerusalem.
True or False. Saul was a Pharisee.
Which church leader helped the Ethiopian man to understand the Scripture?
In what city was Saul born?
Describe Peter’s vision and the importance of it.
Peter’s vision was of a blanket full of unclean animals in the sky, and God telling him to kill and eat them. This is referring to the Gentiles being converted to Christianity. Even though Peter might think of them as unclean, they aren’t and need the Holy Spirit as well.
chapters 13 & 14
Missionary Journey 1
chapter 5
Ananias & Saphira
chapter 15
Jerusalem Council
chapter 10
Cornelius’s conversion
chapters 16-18
Missionary Journey 2
chapter 1
Jesus’ ascension
chapter 9
Saul’s conversion
chapters 18-21
Missionary Journey 3
In which city did Paul stay the longest during his second missionary journey?
To what city was Paul headed when he shipwrecked?
When the Jews strongly opposed Paul and Barnabas’ message, what did the men decide to do?
they went to the Gentiles
Who went on the first missionary journey with Paul? (2 people)
Barnabas & John Mark
Acts 1:8
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (CSB)