Week 9 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Neural Tube Structure - Plates
- Basal plate is (anterior/posterior) and (closer/further) to the neuron - most likely to be (motor/sensory) neurons
- Alar plate is (closer/further away) - more likely to be (motor/sensory) neurons
- Sulcus _____ separates anterior and posterior sections
- Cranial nerve organization is similar in respect to spinal cord/neural development organization
- However, brainstem has both visceral and somatic sensory and motor fibers
anterior; closer; motor; further away; sensory; limitans;
Neural Tube Structure - Plates
- Sensory fibers migrate from being (superior/inferior) to being more (medial/lateral)
- Motor fibers migrate from being (superior/inferior) to being more (medial/lateral)
- Knuckles represent the sulcus limitans that separates the 2
superior; lateral; inferior; medial;
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
- Alar plate - (medial/lateral) to sulcus limitans
- Basal plate - (medial/lateral) to sulcus limitans
- Sensory
- Special visceral afferent: smell and taste
- Special somatic afferent: hearing and balance
- General somatic afferent:
- General visceral afferent: vessels, heart, lungs, digestive
- Motor
- Visceral motor/general visceral efferent: tears/salivation
- Special visceral efferent: swallow
- General somatic efferent: facial expression
lateral; medial;
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
- Nuclei run the length of the (cell/brainstem) – midbrain, pons and medulla
- The area involved in a lesion/infarction/ischemia – can affect CN nuclei
- Sulcus limitans divides sensory and motor nerves
- Sensory is (medial/lateral)
- Motor is (medial/lateral)
- Midline separates L and R sides
brainstem; lateral; medial;
- PICA might impact (medial/lateral) - affecting sensory nerves (more/less)
- Vertebral artery and PIC at caudal level may impact (anterior/posterior) aspect more
lateral; more; anterior
Corticonuclear System = (Motor/Sensory)
- Cells of origin
- Lateral aspect of (M1/S1) (upper motor neuron) → corona radiata → internal capsule
- Crus cerebri of midbrain to nuclei within midbrain, pons, or medulla
- Crossover: at the level of the nucleus / where it exits
- Exits at (same/different) levels of pons/medulla depending on where the nucleus is
- Nucleus: (dorsal/ventral) horn lower motor neuron homologue
Motor; M1; different; ventral
Corticonuclear(bulbar) System: Somatic Efferent
- Function
- (Involuntary/Voluntary) motor control of striated muscles innervated by CN
- Trigeminal N CN 5
- Facial N CV 7
- Glossopharyngeal N CN 9
- Vagus N CN 10
- Accessory N CN 11
- Hypoglossal N CN 12
- General somatic efferent and special somatic efferent
Corticonuclear Pathway and Perfusion
- Internal capsule perfusion important - (anterior/posterior) choroidal , ______ artery
- Crus cerebri – (anterior/posterior) cerebral artery
anterior; lenticulostriate; posterior
Internal capsule genu has (facial/feet) information
Pathway of CN nuclei
- (Right/Left) cortex (UMN/LMN)
- Corona radiata
- Crus cerebri
- Internal capsule (genu) bc face
- Nucleus in (hindbrain/midbrain) where crossover occurs
- Right side (UMN/LMN) of the eye
Left; UMN; midbrain; LMN
Trochlear Nerve CN IV
- Nucleus sits in (midbrain/hindbrain)
- Exit location is in (midbrain/hindbrain)
midbrain; midbrain
Trochlear Nerve (CN IV)
- UMN is CL to the nucleus of the nerve
- Trochlear N innervates superior oblique muscle - responsible for looking (down and out/up and in)
- Intorsion - shifting of the eye towards the nose
- Different muscles pull on the eye - all of the muscles need to work properly to keep eye in proper alignment (think of quad pull on patella) - if one doesn’t work you have shifting of the eyeball
down and out;
Trochlear Nerve (CN IV) Clinical Correlation
Clinical Correlations - Trochlear Nerve
- Lesion
- (Down and out/Up and in) eye position
- Ipsilateral
- Inability to move eye (downward and outward/up and in)
- Ipsilateral
- Testing
- Ability to move eyes
Up and in; downward and outward;
CN 6 Abducens N
- Nucleus within (pons/heart)
- Exits within (pons/heart)
pons; pons
CN 6 Abducens Nerve
- Innervates lateral rectus muscle of the eye - responsible for (lateral/superior) gaze
- ABDucens N - responsible for (abduction/adduction) of the eyeball
lateral; abduction