Week 9 Flashcards
What is the purpose of Qualative data?
vasts ammount of data
small samples
devlop theory
develop hypothesis for other research
When is a decesion to ‘quantify data’ made?
before data collection
What is ‘quantifying data’?
giving data a numerical figure.
eg. a nmber being given to a quality of a person
What is never an aim of Qualatitive data?
to attribute to cause
In qualitative data anaylisis…
counting can be usefull
Software packages in qual data…
help with organising data
What is an overall aim of data anaylsis?
data reduction
What is an advantage of data reduction?
makes data manageable
What does ‘concurrent data’ anaylsis mean?
the phrase use to describe reducing the data
What dad analysis is used during ground theory?
constant comparative analysis
What is an advantage of counting data in Qual research?
ensure reasercher focuses on the data
encourages rigour and honesty in data
A disadvantage of data analysis in Qual research?
simplify findings
An example of qualitive data analysis programme is?
NVivo & Atlas
What do qual data analysis programmes do?
help organise data
easy to retrive data
What is ‘thematic content analysis’?
looking for common themes line by line, with highlighter pens and putting a note in a margin
What is framework analysis?
take a framework to the data and put into catogries. The framework comes from preexisting theory.