Week 6 Flashcards
What is Qualitative research?
focuses on everyday life of people
intrested in social words
freq used in nursing
Why are Qual methods used?
useful when little info collect 'rich' data, and gives insight into peoples lifes smaller scale holistic 'emic' perspective
What does holistic mean?
focus on the whole person
What does ‘Emic’ perspective mean?
insiders point of view, experience and feelings
How is Qual data collected?
in-depth interview, indiv or groups
What are the 3 types of qual studies?
ground theory
What is ethnography?
study of culture
origins in anthropology
What is phenomenology?
study of phenomena
study of lived experience of individual
What is ground theory?
developed by Glaser & Strauss
Specific set of methods - generates a theory
hypotheses generated
What is a theory?
a set of ideas of how something may work
What is a key concept in qualitative research?
What is constructivism?
reality on exists because it has been constructed by us through our human activity
individuals create meaning through interactions
What is interpretation?
way that we constantly interpret what happen in our social world
Qualitative researches believe?
the social world constructed through human act
Samples in Qual studies size?
are usually small
A methodological approach that studies the person has lived experience in is?