Week 9 Flashcards
a F or Com S will occur
What happens if the COM moves outside the BOS?
A fall or compensatory step will occur
Inv P model
What model represents human standing?
Inverted pendulum model.
Continuously active C M
What provides torque during quiet stance?
Continuously active calf muscles.
Actively Osc to maintain COM within Stab Lim
What is the Centre of Pressure (COP)?
It actively oscillates to maintain the Centre of Mass (COM) within stability limits.
Due to Sens Est Imp, MO Imp and Ext/Int Pet
Why do we sway?
Due to sensory estimation imperfections, motor output imperfections, and external/internal perturbations.
Vis, V App, Pro, Tou
What sensory inputs help keep us upright?
Vision, vestibular apparatus, proprioception, and touch
Inc S
How does removing visual information affect sway?
It increases sway
False Sen of M induced by a moving Sce
What is visual vection?
A false sense of motion induced by a moving scene
Vis Res is Mod by Ex and Pri Ex
How does predictability affect visual response?
Visual response is modified by expectation and prior experience
Bal Ref are more effective with all S available
What is the effect of sensory removal on postural responses?
Balance reflexes are more effective with all senses available
Generate To around the An to prevent falling F
What is the role of calf muscles in standing?
They generate torque around the ankle to prevent falling forwards
Act Mod
Is passive ankle stiffness sufficient for balance?
No, active modulation is required
Alt P of swing
What is the swing-stance pattern in walking?
Alternating pattern of swing (flexors active) and stance (extensors active)
Large Ver F at heel strike, Dec shear F & Acc shear F at P-O
What forces are involved in walking?
Large vertical force at heel-strike, decelerating shear force, and accelerating shear force at push-off.
P of Tib Ant, often due to Pol, Str, Ner D
What causes foot drop?
Paralysis of the Tibialis Anterior muscle, often due to polio, stroke, or nerve damage