Week 8 Flashcards
Vis, V S, Pro
What are the three main contributors to orientation?
Vision, vestibular system, proprioception
Lin Acc and Ti
What do otolith organs detect?
Linear acceleration and tilt
Ang V
What do semicircular canals detect?
Angular velocity
Ref that stabilizes Ga via V input from both S of the head
What is the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR)?
A reflex that stabilizes gaze via vestibular input from both sides of the head
Mod V Aff firing by irrigating E C with warm/cold water
What is caloric vestibular stimulation?
Modulating vestibular afferent firing by irrigating the ear canal with warm or cold water
Non-I method to alter V Ner Ac using constant C over the Mas
What is Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS)?
A non-invasive method to alter vestibular nerve activity using constant current over the mastoid
Decect Ti and Lin Acc with cells Or in all directions
What is the function of the utricle and saccule?
Detect tilt and linear acceleration with cells oriented in all directions
Dangerous Ill for P where Acc is mistaken for C, leading to incorrect PA
What is the false climb illusion?
A dangerous illusion for pilots where acceleration is mistaken for a climb, leading to incorrect pitch adjustments
Cup becomes L/H than S fluid, causing N when lying down
What happens during positional alcohol nystagmus?
The cupula becomes lighter or heavier than the surrounding fluid, causing nystagmus when lying down (false spinning when not moving)
Reduce overall R to GVS, does not I F-F gain of V R
How does fear affect vestibular control?
Fear can reduce the overall response to GVS, but does not influence the feed-forward gain of the vestibular reflex