Week 9 Flashcards
What are the sources of survey error?
- Total survey error
- Systematic error
- Random error
- Sample design error
- Measurement error
What are systematic error?
- This is a measurement error and results from a variation between information sought and information collected
- This is potentially more serious than sample design error
What are the rules of the questionnaire design?
Survey creator’s job to avoid influencing respondents and build a survey that needs to have honest and thoughtful responses
What are question constructions?
Looking at the questions and ensuring its measuring what needs to measure
What are the rules of the questionnaire design?
Survey creator’s job to avoid influencing respondents and build a survey that needs to have honest and thoughtful responses
What are question constructions?
Looking at the questions and ensuring its measuring what needs to measure
What are open response questions
Encourages answers with full answers
What are closed response questions
yes or no questions
What are some considerations for closed response questions?
- Number of response categories
- Order of response categories
- Proactively managing uncertainty and ignorance
What are some considerations for closed response questions?
- Number of response categories
- Order of response categories
- Proactively managing uncertainty and ignorance
What are ambiguous questions?
Broad questions
What are some examples of ambiguous questions?
Who’s your banker
What are double barreled questions?
Questions that include more than one topic
What are some examples of double barreled questions?
How much do you enjoy collecting and analyzing data
What are the should of question wording?
- Question should be focused on a single issue or topic
- Question should be brief
- Questions should be interpreted in the same way by all the respondents
- Questions should use the respondents core vocabulary
- Questions should be applicable to all that are completing the instruments
- Question responses should be applicable to all who are completing the instrument
What are the shorten version of should of question wording
- One variable per questions
- avoid ambiguous wording
- consider your audience
- Respondent selection and survey flow
What are the should nots of question wording
- Should not give limited alternatives
- Should not have ambiguous wording
- Should not be double barreled
- Should not lead the respondent to a particular answer
- Should not have loaded wording or phrasing
- Should notes for details that cannot be related
- Should not use a specific example to represent a general case
- Should not be beyond the respondents ability to experience
- Should not require the respondents to guess a generalization
What does the Questionnaire layout look like?
- Introduction/Cover letter
- Identifying surveyor/sponsor
- Purpose of the survey
- Explanation of respondent selection
- Request for participation
- Anonymity
- Questions
- Open with screening or easy/non threatening questions
- Proceed from broad to specific
- Flow smoothly from one topic to another
- Demographics at end
- Thank you statement
What are the question order
- Level of specificity:
- Questions flow from general to specific
- Order of questions/answers
- Randomize questions related to concepts that your are testing
- Randomize order of answers
What are the categories of sensitive questions
- Categories
- Middle/End of instrument
- Momentum
- Counter biasing
- Everybody approach
- How others feel or third person
- Anonymity
What are the role of the pretest?
Attempts to minimize respondent and interviewer error
What are the types of pretesting the questionnaire
- Skip patterns
- Respondent interest and attention
- Logical flow
What are two types of error?
Random error and systematic error
What is chance variation?
Difference between the sample value and the two value of the population mean that can’t be eliminated
What is the systematic error
Error that results from problems or flaws in execution of the research design; sometimes called non sampling error
What is included in systematic error
All sources of error except those introduced by the random sampling process
What are non sampling errors
Systematic errors are sometimes called and these systematically influence survey answers as. asample design error and measurement error
What is sample design error
A systematic error that results from a problem in the sample design or sampling procedures
What is sampling frame
The list of population elements or members from which units to be sampled are selected
What is frame error
Error resulting from an inaccurate or incomplete sampling frame
What is population specification error
This results from an incorrect definition of the population or universe from which the sample is to be selected
What is selection error?
Occurs when sampling procedures are incomplete or improper when appropriate selection procedures are not properly followed
What is measurement error
Systematic error that results from a variation between the information being sought and what is actually obtained by the measurement process
What does measurement error include
Surrograte information error, interviewer error, measurement instrument bias, processing error, non response bias and response bias
What is surrogate information error
Occurs there is a discrepancy between the information actually required to solve a problem and the information sought by the researcher
What is interviewer error or interviewer bias
Results from the interviewers influencing the respondent consciously or unconsciously to give inaccurate answers
What are types of interviewer error
Facial expressions, gender, age, dress, body language, tone of voice of the interviewer
What is validation
Process of ascertaining that interviews were conducted as specified
What is the goal of validation
Detect interviewers fraud or failure to follow key instructions
What is the purpose of the validation process?
Ensures that interviews were administered properly and completely