Week 9 Flashcards
Four D’s
patterns of behaviour or psychological symptoms that impact multiple areas of life
neurodevelopmental disorder: result of factors that affect typical growth or development of brain + NS
particular distinctive process in the body with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms
not applied to neurodevelopment or psychiatric conditions
CDC: any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities
neurological or cognitive differences are to be recognised and respected as any other human variation
challenges assumption that neurodevelopmental conditions are medical disorders that always need to be prevented, treated or cured
Mental illness
health problem significantly affecting how a person feels, thinks, behaves and interacts with other people
Neurodevelopmental disorder
Set of behaviours arising as a result of factors affecting typical growth or brain/NS development
first seen in infancy or early childhood
assumed to be stable over time (life long)
Neurodevelopment disorders result from
intrauterine environment
extrauterine environment
commonly used tools for diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders
presenting concerns
developmental history
cognitive assessment
speech and language assessment
parent or teacher questionnaires
adaptive behaviour questionnaires (level of disability/impairment)
ASD social communication/interaction impairments
verbal language
non verbal language
social interaction
ASD restricted/stereotyped behaviours and interests
restricted interests
complex behaviours and routines
ASD non-diagnostic features
sensory features
motor features
Differentiate ASD from
global developmental delay
ASD diagnosis symptom criteria
deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities
symptoms must be present in early developmental period
combination of symptoms significantly impair daily functioning
ADHD diagnosis
on two criteria: hyperactivity and inattention