Week 9+10+11 Flashcards
The direction of steepest decent on a terrain surface
A line of constant value for a mapped variable
Flow direction
The direction water will flow from a point, usually an azimuth or bearing angle assigned to a raster cell
Shaded relief
A depiction of the brightness of terrain reflection with a given sun location
The change in elevation over a change in location, usually measured over some fixed interval
Vertical exaggeration
A process whereby the z-values are artificially enhanced for purposes of terrain visualization
A data layer that indicates what an observer can and cannot see from a particular location due to terrain
Cartographic Model
The combination of spatial data layers through the application of spatial operations
Cell-Based Model
Invokes a set of functions and logic, driven by cell values, to update these or other cell values through time
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)
predicts soil erosion on farm fields
LANdscape DISturbance (LANDIS)
simulates forests (both trees and shrubs) at decadal to multi-century time scales and spatial scales spanning hundreds to millions of hectares
Simple Spatial Models
are commonly applied to a range of problems, particularly when there is a well-established model based on point or small-scale observations and analysis, and when the output is a continuous variable
Spatio-Temporal Models
combine spatial and aspatial data with time-variant functions to produce spatial output
ArcGIS Online
A cloud-based resource for creating and sharing GIS Web maps and applications
Colab Notebook
A hosted Python Notebook service that requires no setup to use and provides free access to computing resources. It is especially well suited to machine learning, data science, and education
An open source project to add support for geographic data to Python pandas objects
Google Earth
A freely available virtual globe program first released in 2005 by Google
Prism map
A 3D thematic map from whose surface shapes