Week 1+2 Flashcards
What is GIS
A computer-based system to aid in the collection, maintenance, storage, analysis, output, and distribution of spatial information
As a field of research that studies theory and concepts of GIS
Exploration of data and seeing it in different ways. It is often associated with dynamic visual displays. The goal is insight into the data
A regular set of cells in a grid pattern . . . [which are typically] square and evenly spaced in the x and y directions
Uses sets of coordinates and associated attribute data to define discrete objects . . . [which are] points, lines, and polygons
Two data types
- Raster
- Vector
Map Output types
- General Purpose or Reference Maps
- Special Purpose Maps
- Thematic Maps
Purpose of Maps
- Data storage
- Visualization
- Communication
Why we need GIS
- Mandatory in many settings (Crime)
- Save money
- Manage resources
- Environmental problems
- Human impacts on the environment
- Emergency services
- Businesses
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems
- Computing benefits
GIS in Action
- Lost hikers
- Shoreline management
- Wildfire rehabilitation
- Air pollution
GIS Components
- Hardware for GIS
- GIS Software
- Programming with GIS
GIS Software
- ESRI’s ArcGIS (ArcGIS Pro)
- Idrisi
- GeoDa
- Geographic Resource Analysis Support System (GRASS)
Programming with GIS
- Python
- R
The art, science and technology of making maps, together with their study as scientific documents and works of art
A graphic representation of all or part of the surface of the earth (or other body) drawn to scale on a plane
The ratio of the distances on a map, globe, model, or profile to the actual distances they represent
What makes maps popular
- Convenient to use
- Simplify our surroundings
- Credibility
- Strong visual impact
The Mapping Process
- Planning
- Analysis
- Presentation
- Critique / Edit
- Production
Expressing Scale
Scale is presented as either a Representative Fraction (RF), Verbal Scale or a Scale Bar
What is RF
RF expresses map distance / ground distance
Verbal Scale
Verbal Scale expresses the scale in written format
Scale Bar
Scale Bar is a line on a map which has been divided into equal segments starting at 0
Goals of Map Design
- Clarity
- Order
- Balance
- Contrast
- Unity
- Harmony
Map Elements
- Subject Area
- Title
- Legends
- Scale
- Orientation
- Inset Maps