Week 8 - Skin Pathology Flashcards
Eczema - Graphites
- Eczema on eyelids
- Eczema behind the ears
- Moist eczema
- Eczema on legs
Eczema - Mezereum
- On margin of hair, posteriorly from ear to ear
- Hearing impaired after suppressed eczema
- Eczema from vaccination
Eczema - Petroleum
- Eczema on fingertips
- Worse winter, cold
- Eczema accompanied by herpes/motion sickness
Eczema - Psorinum
- Restlessness with eruptions in children
- Anguish with skin eruptions
- Eczema behind the ears
- Head pain with suppressed eruptions
Psoriasis - Fluoricum acidum
- On dorsum of nose
- Elevated red blotches on palms
- Ailments from debauchery
- Animated to strangers; indifferent to loved ones
- Head pain along sutures
- Pressing head pain on temples/vertex if desire to urinate not attended to
Psoriasis - Phytolacca
- Purplish psoriasis
- Bluish palate
- Desire to bite on something hard during dentition which relieves pain
- Purple tonsils
Cracking Skin - Nitric acidum
- Cracks in canthi
- Cracked corners of mouth
- Cracks in urethral meatus
- Deep and bleeding cracks in hands
- Deep bloody skin cracks
- Cracks on mucocutaneous border
- Orifices cracked
Cracking Skin - Sanicula aqua
- Cracked skin on fingers and joints
- Cracked skin on hands aggravated by winter
- Winter aggravates cracks
- Mouth smells like fish brine before asthmatic attack
Cracking Skin - Cistus canadensis
- Cracks in canthi
- Cracks on palms
- Hard callosities with deep cracks
- Icy coldness inside nose aggravated by cold air
Cracking Skin - Tilia europaea
- Deep cracked skin on heels
- Love sick
- Pain extending from one tooth to another
- Sore sterno-clavicular joint
- Swelling of sternoclavicular joint
Cracking Skin - X-Ray
- Cracked skin on fingers
- Desire to kill before/during menses
- Delusion of sulphur vapors/sulphur-like
- Sleeplessness from sounds of the heart
Poison Oak - Anacardium
- Rhus poisoning
Poison Oak - Croton tiglium
- Vesicular eruptions of scrotum
- Eruptions alternating with asthmatic breathing
- Confluent eruptions
- Red vesicular areolar eruptions
Poison Oak - Nuphar luteum
- Sympathetic towards animals/love of animals
- Visual sparks aggravated during cough
- Diarrhea driving out of bed in the morning
- Wanting male erections
- Seminal losses during sleep, stool, with urination
Herpes Zoster - Ranunculus bulbosus
- Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- Herpes zona chest eruptions
- Herpes zoster back eruptions
- Herpes on fingers/palms
- Post-herpetic eruptions
Herpes Zoster - Iris versicolor
- Herpes zona abdomen eruptions
- Herpes zona right sides
- Herpes zoster accompanied by stomach complaints
- Right-sided eruptions
- Herpetic eruptions with gastric complaints
Herpes Zoster - Mezerium
- Herpes with burning and itching
- Burning chest pain after herpes zoster
- Neuralgic pain after herpes zoster
- Thick white crusts/scabs with white pus underneath
Genital Herpes - Petroleum
- Herpetic eruptions about anus
- Herpes on perineum
- Herpetic eruptions between thighs
- Herpetic eruptions aggravated during menses
Genital Herpes - Tellurium
- Herpes on perineum
- Herpes in iliac region
- Circinate herpetic eruptions
- Circinate eruptions in intersecting rings
Impetigo - Antimonium crudum
- Crusty/scabby inside and on nose
- Small honey yellow eruptions on chin
- Honey-colored crusty skin eruptions
Impetigo - Croton tiglium
- Thick, heavy, high up yellow orange crusts/scabs/discharge inside nose
- Impetigo eruptions on face
- Crusts renewed daily
- Pustules covered with a crust
- Skin adherent to bone
Acne - Calcarea silicata
- Acne on face
- Rosacea
- Delusions of talking to dead people
- Empyocele
Abscesses/Boils - Anthracinum
- Boils on nasal septum
- Burning boils
- Burning abscesses
- Boils accompanied by diabetes mellitus
- Recurrent boils/abscesses
Abscesses/Boils - Phytolacca
- Mammae abscesses
- Mammae abscesses threatening in old cicatrices
Abscesses/Boils - Tarantula cubensis
- Burning boils
- Burning carbuncles
- Burning abscesses
- Purple abscesses
- Stinging abscesses
Warts/Condyloma - Cinnabaris
- Warts on iris
- Male genital condylomata bleed easily
- Male genital condylomata fetid, bleeding when touched
- Condylomata fan-shaped on penis
- Condylomata on prepuce - frenulum
Warts/Condyloma - Nitricum acidum
- Warts on eyelids bleed when touched
- Warts on lips
- Condylomata on rectum
- Male genital condylomata bleed easily, fetid, bleeding when touched, flat
- Penile condylomata bleeding/burning/cauliflower-like/soreness
- Condylomata with sticking pain
Warts/Condyloma - Millefolium
- Copiously bleeding rectal condylomata
- Male genital condylomata bleed easily
- Knocking head against walls and things
- Copious menses
- Bright red gushing blood after abortion
Warts/Condyloma - Antimonium crudum
- Soft warts on cervical region of back
- Horny excrescences on soles of feet and under finger tips/nails
- Horny warts
- Warts surrounded by a circle of ulcers
Warts/Condyloma - Sabina
- Burning male genital condylomata
- Butternut-shaped hard growth on the dorsum of the penis
- Sore/itchy condylomata
- Burning, itching
Warts/Condyloma - Staphysagria
- Warts on iris
- Excrescences on gums
- Rectal condylomata extremely sensitive
- Sensitive
- Sensitive to touch