Final - from Review Session Flashcards
Only remedy indicated when the infant is born with closed fontanelles. Cold wind agg headache. Perspiration of occiput while sleeping. Sensation of cold cloth around brain. Only remedy that has asthmatic attacks preceded by odor of fish brine (keynote).
One of the main remedies for abscesses and ulcers with severe burning. It is a 3 under carbuncles that burn. It’s the only remedy where abscesses are purple and have stabbing or stitching pain.
Tarentula cubensis
Cough remedy. Triad of cough, nausea, hemorrhage. Strongly indicated when there’s nausea with any type of hemorrhage. Horrible “hanging down” sensation in stomach. Stomach affected by anger and vexation. Children will keep fingers in their mouth. Nausea is intense with cough, perspiration, during delivery.
Remedy covers GI and skin pathologies. It is a 3 under the rubric for herpes zoster ophthalmicus. Also under the symptom of a drawing pain around the nipple as if with a string while the child is nursing. Can have vesicular eruptions on the scrotum with a red areola round the vesicle. Diarrhea comes on immediately after drinking and/or eating.
Croton tiglium
A lot of vertigo and disequilibrium. Vertigo during pregnancy. Loss of vision during pregnancy. Nosebleeds during pregnancy. It is a 3 and the only remedy that has convulsions from loss of sleep. Cutting pain in uterus with every breath. Involuntary urination from cough during pregnancy.
Cocculus indicus (Indian berry or fish berry)
It is a 3 under the rubric for chloasma. Spasmodic contractions of os uterus during labor. Pain/inflammation of small joints/finger joints. Delusion that they are pregnant.
Caulophyllum (Blue Cohosh or Papoose Root)
Crawling or itching in the fossa navicularus (area of the urethra just proximal to the meatus). Urethritis, cystitis. Agglutination of meatus of urethra. Can also be cutting or biting pains in the fossa navicularus after urination.
Petroselinum sativum
Strong indications for any pathology of the skin. Eruption/eczema of the chest and leg. Indicated where there are burning rectal fissures. Perspiration on sternum in the morning. Only remedy that’s a 3 under cancer of (scar tissue) of the breast. Eczema and itching of scalp, eyelids, behind ears.
Convulsion remedy with arrested respiration. Only remedy that covers convulsions that are interrupted by a painful shop. Convulsion caused by slamming of a closing door. Crawling/formication of extremities after convulsion. One of the main active ingredients of loganaceae family.
Strychninum purum
Warts that are very sensitive. Emotionally can be morbidly sensitive. Warts of iris, gums, tongue.
Seizure remedy. Fingers cramp during delivery. Characteristic bellowing before seizure comes on. May have laughing, vomiting, weeping during seizure. May have blueness/cyanosis during seizure.
Cuprum metallicum
Remedy indicated for ulcers and abscesses with lots of burning (violent/malignant burning). Boils of the septum of the nose. Boils on the legs. Boils in small crops. 2 grade where boils on skin are blue in color. Also indicated in diabetic patients that develop recurrent boils.
Salivation with coryza. Child likes to bore finger in ear. Lots of itching in nose.
Specifically indicated when there is discharge from the ear that causes vesicular eruptions on lobe of ear and side of neck. Herpetic eruptions are circular (circinate). Intersecting circinate rings.
Tellurium metalicum
Painful cracks in the skin. Patient is kept awake because of the sound of their heart. Weird sensation that their pharynx has disappeared. Can have a smell of sulphur vapors in the nose, especially with sneezing. Desires to kill before or during menses.
Deathly nausea with pale or greenish hue to the face. Solanaceae family. Symptoms are better in open air. Better when they close their eyes. Better when cover the abdomen. Better when lifting abdomen (?)
Lots of concussive sneezing, especially during fever. Odor of roses agg watery discharge. Delusion part of their body is deformed.
Indicated with skin and respiratory pathology. Remedy is a nosode made from a scabies eruption. Can be anguish and restlessness with skin eruptions. With asthmatic breathing, if they lay on the floor with arms out (like crucified), feel better. “Cold sulphur patients”.
Indicated remedy when the hair falls out during pregnancy. Lots of faintness during pregnancy. Pains in the ovaries after delivery. Symptoms usually left-sided. Don’t like throat touched.
Warts on lids and genitals that bleed easily when touched. Female genitalia- condylomata shaped like cauliflower. Lots of “sticking” pains. Remedy has affinity for mucocutaneous border. Unmoved by apologies. Anger from loss of a friend.
Nitric acid