week 8- politics and the news Flashcards
What do we mean by “the news”?
mass media
Why can’t we define “the news” as easily as we used to?
sources increased
anyone can contribute
no filter
what are news values?
factors that take an event into the news
what are the 9 news values?
- Negativity (conflict, famine)
- Timeliness / Recency (only just happened or ongoing)
- Proximity (geographical/ cultural proximity)
- Prominence / Eliteness (high profile individuals)
- Consonance ( extent to which the story fits stereotypes)
- Impact (consequences)
- Novelty / Unexpectedness
- Superlativeness (the biggest, the fastest etc)
- Personalisation (eye witnesses)
Bednarek and Caple
how are media texts structured?
- Headline – Draws attention, summarises, syntactically abbreviated, high impact.
- The lead – (i.e. the first paragraph) main substance, often an expanded version of the headline. Attitude, directional summary.
- The sources – Specific sources, indirectly or directly, authority, disclaiming ideological responsibility.
- The actors – Participants categorised according to … Naming and labeling, connotations qualifying labels.
- Facts and figures – Not about inclusion but qualifying lexical terms accompanying facts and figures.
- Graphic conventions – Highlighting, rhetorical implications, impact upon readers senses, perceptions and expectations.
what syntagmatic choices are made in the news at various levels?
- Lexemes – One lexical item used when another could have been… why? Does it have particular connotations? What kinds of clusters of words are used?
- Descriptions –What angle are facts considered from? e.g. these two accounts of the same thing come from newspaper reports: (1) A man fighting for the life of his unborn child (2) A man trying to stop his girlfriend having an abortion.
- Ordering or sequencing of information –What comes first, why? E.g. Yellow vest violence returns to Paris (BBC news, 6/03/2019) vs Paris in flames as ‘Yellow Vest’ anarchists burn restaurants and shops (The Sun, 16/03/2019)
assumptions that are inherent in the sentence or utterance
when a process is converted into a noun as if it were an entity
active voice
Active voice sentence structure = Agent –Action – (Affected) e.g. The crowd attacked the police horses and their riders
passive voice
Passive voice sentence structure = Affected –Action – (Agent) e.g. The police horses and their riders were attacked by the crowd
Three-part statements
either words alone or whole structures given as a series of three
Contrastive pairs
either words alone or whole structures presented as a contrast.
What is ideology?
‘socially shared beliefs’, social formulas, ideas, ideals, coded in language (van Dijk, 1998)
‘systematically organised presentation of reality’ (Hodge and Kress, 1993:15)
What does ideology do?
- Legitimates power and inequality
- Conceals or obfuscates the truth
- Empowers dominated groups to challenge the dominant action
- Serves as a basis for group mobilization and protection of shared values – solidarity
- Marks out ‘the other’ - distance
can be used inclusively or exclusively