Week 8- Counseling, Risk, Assessment Flashcards
What is the diagnosis and management of hereditary disease?
Clinical genetics
What is the purpose of genetic counseling?
Provide information and support to families at risk for having or who already have members with birth defects and genetic disorders
Who are the consultands?
Persons seeking counseling
What are the four cardinal principles in medical ethics?
Respect for individual autonomy
Avoidance of maleficence
When is the only time sex-selection should be used?
To reduce sex-linked diseases
Most people agree that unless there is a clear benefit to care of a child, testing for adult-onset disorders should be done when?
When the child is old enough and mature enough to make the decision
According to ______, patient’s authorization is required to release his/her medical information with criminal and civil penalties for release w/o authorization. “Permission to warn”
_________ requires that everyone be able to benefit equally from progress in medical genetics.
What is the term that describes when an individual with private knowledge of higher risk buys extra life or long-term disability insurance?
Adverse selection
If adverse selection was widespread, what would happen?
Premium would increase to fund a minority
According to _______ genetic susceptibility w/o current diagnosis of illness cannot be considered a pre-existing condition.
What refers to improvement of a population by selection of only its “best” specimens for breeding?
Who proposed using eugenics to improve human species?
Francis Galton
What does “feeble-mindedness” mean in eugenics?
Lack of education
What is the deterioration in the health and well-being of a population by practices that allow accumulation of deleterious alleles?
What is the term that refers to when pregnancy termination is followed by birth of additional, unaffected children, many whom would be carriers of the deleterious gene.
Reproductive compensation
The _____ believe there is a duty to warn individuals if their family members have a genetic disease and they may have it as well.