week 8 Flashcards
2 types of augmented feedback
- knowledge of performance
- knowledge of results
what is the theory connected to reference of correctness
adams theory
reference of correctness
used to calculate error based on sensory feedback
- developed by experience with movement and KR (perceptual trace)
2 -state theory of motor learning, reference of correctness
memory trace and a perceptual trace
memory trace, reference of correctness
recall of the motor program and the initiation of the response
- it is open-loop part of the motor program
- responsible for action initiation
perceptual trace, reference of correctness
generated by the memory trace once action is initiated an used for feedback evaluation
adams closed loop motor learning
KR is a source of info that is used to correct the motor response
what does repeated exposure to KR and the processing of error do
eventually lead to the desired response
perceptual trace, closed loop motor
reference or memory about prior experiences
perceptual trace is used with?
sensory feedback and KR to produce an error
perceptual trace must be?
acquired and refined with practice
2-stage of motor learning closed loop
verbal motor stage
motor stage
verbal motor stage
the stage of learning where one uses the perceptual trace in combination with KR for error detection and correction
motor stage
the error provided by KR is small, and there is a strengthened perceptual trace
a weakening of the perceptual trace and memory trace
main idea of Adams theory
refinement after a memory action is made
schmidit 1989
- longer summaries were better for overall learning than shorter summariers
what did schmidit 1990 find
shorter summaries were better for learning than longer summariers
overall conclusion about schmidit 1989
the optimal summary length may be task-specific and experience specific
gaudagnoli 1996 for novices
- larger summariers are better than smaller ones (simple tasks)
- smaller summariers are better than larger ones (complex tasks)
gaudagnoli 1996 for experience performers
- larger summaries are better for complex and simple tasks
what is the effect of delaying and presenting summary KR on learning?
the impact of delaying trial by trial KR on learning
- when you delay KR- the inter trial interval also increased (potential confound)
thorndike 1953
- larger delays decreased the likihood that the reward stimululs would produce conditioning
thorndike 1953 conclusion
that delays were detrimental to learning
salmoni et all 1984
reviewed humor motor learning experiments
salmoni et all 1984 results
found that delaying KR did not affect leanring
- found that instanteous KR did affect learning
KR delay interval
the learner is trying to remember KR
maslovat 2009
- examined the role of discrete VS continuous feedback on a circle drawing task
- tested participants in retention and transfer tests
- immediate retention
- delayed (1 week) retention, with and without feedback
discrete feedback
feedback at movement endpoint
concurrent/continous FB
FB during entire movement
results maslovat 2009
- found support the guidance hypothesis
- continuous feedback enhanced performance but was detrimental to learning under new conditions
- found evidence for the specificity of practice hypothesis
- participant who practiced with concurrent feedback did better in tests
immediate KR
- detrimental to learning
post- KR delay interval
the time between the presentation of KR and the next movement
- where the learner is preparing the subsequent movement
finding about shortening the post KR delay
suggest that reducing this period does not affect learning if the KR delay is held constant
the time between _____ appears most important for movement correction
movement end and KR
marteniuk 1986
- investigated interference during the KR-delay period
- high level processes ( cognitive process associated with learning) interfered with KR processing)
how is interfernece during the KR-delay period different from CI
CI happens after all tasks and feedback are done
- you aren’t interfering the feedback and movement that’s why interference is affecting learning
interference in the KR-delay interval that
impair the evaluation of the movement seem to affect leanrning
a retention of the movement information (at least in short term memory) is required for
KR processing
what does interference reduce?
the capacity of memory systems to evaluate inherent feedback and detect error
asking participants to evaluate their own errors during the KR-delay interval. Hogan and Yanowitz (1978)
- used a ballistic timing task and asked some patients to estimate their own errors
- group 1: estimated moveemnt time
- group 2: nonsense letters
results Hogan and Yanowitz (1978)
estimating own error led to better performance
gaugangoli and kohl, 2001 supported the estimating own error
- 100% KR and 100% error estimate
- 20% KR and 100% error estimate
- 100% KR and 20% error estimate
- 20% KR and 0% estimate
results gaugangoli and kohl, 2001
100% est and 100% KR- BEST
0% est and 100% KR- WORST
subjective estimation
can help participants learn to use inherent feedback with KR
about subjective estimation
- may prevent guidance effect
- reduced relative frequency was more effective in the absence of KR
subjective estimation- practical application
- most learning setting, we give learners precise feedback and they do not develop their error detection capability
motivation and feedback in practice
there is more information processing to take into consideration when designing a learning session
constant corrects can..
affect the learners sense of autonomy and motivation
Janelle 1997
participants practiced throwing a ball with their non-dominant arm
- control group received no KP
- one group recieved KR
- one group recieved summary KP every 5th trail
- one group recieved self-determined KP
results of janelle et all
self-determined performed just as well as yoke and summary in acquisition 2
- self-determined performed better then the summary group in retention
what are the best forms of feedback
- self-controlled feedback combined with best practices from KR literature
what does self-controlled feedback increase
motivation and form during acquisitoin
what do the results of janelle et all suggest
- that self-controlled feedback improved both acquisition and retention
adams closed loop theory
- KR provides information about how subsequent movements should be performed
KR strengthens
the perceptual trace
- error is used adjust the trace associated with the correct movement
transition from verbal-motor stage to motor stage of learning
movements become less reliant on KR as the perceptual trace is strengthened
- does not account for how variable practice can strengthen the perceptual trace
- according to strict schema theory
according to strict schema theory
variable practice should weaken the perceptual trace and reduce learning
what does adams theory ignore
the guidance hypothesis aspects of KR
schema theory of motor learning
builts on adams work and added an open loop component
memory and recognition memeory
recall memory
movement production
- more of a role in open-loop and rapid movements
recognition memory
movement evaluation
- greater involvement in closed loop control
what is central to schema theory
GMP parametrization
steps of the schema theory
short term memory (recall schema, recognition schema)
recall schema
- each movement produces an outcome which is evaluated with respect to the parameters
what is movement outcome related to in the recall schema
parameters, and initial positions
- KR and inherent feedback are used to refine relationships
what does recall schema store
these relationships in long-term memory
when a new movement must be planned
- the recall schema is used in parameterization
- sets the conditions that will best achieve the goal
what is the relationship in the schema theory
what does the recognition schema contains relationships between
- initial conditions
- environmental outcomes
- sensory consequences
what happens after the recall schema is used to generate the action
- the recognition schema is used to generate the expected sensory consequences
- serves as the basis for movement evaluation
schema theory and learning
learning occurs by strengthening the schemas
- if augmented feedback is unavilabe, what happen to the recall
what happens if augmented feedback is unavailable, what will happen to the recall schema
- unable to store the relationship between the parameters and outcomes
if the sensory consequences are missing (nerve blocks), what will happen to recognition schema?
- unable to perform real time evaluation of the action
- unable to correct the action
learning is based on establishing relationships what are they?
variable practice
novel movements
error detection
variable practice
more movement outcoems- better rule development
- better recognition schema
novel movements
a new movement can be generated based on rules established by similar movements
error detection
errors for rapid movements can be detected based on the recognition schema
limitation of schema theory
KR- frequency
contextual interference
KR - frequency
reducing KR frequency can actually improve learning
contextual interference
- schema theory predicts that variable practice would be better
- does not explain why random practice could be better
schema theory describes learning as the strengthening of the:
recall schema
recognition schema
what does perceptual trace compare
feedback to the reference of correctness (stored in memory)
in adams closed loop theory; early in practice the particpant has a ___ perceptual trace
why would they have a weak perceptual trace in the early practice of adams close loop theory
will select the right movement some of the time but make errors
what happens with perceptual trace as practice continues
with training and specific feedback, the perceptual trace stregthens
- participants can select the define the right movement more often
- eventually choosing the right movements
is adams closed loop good or bad for leanrnign
better because it gives feedback
prior to a movement what does recall schema do
specifies parameters
- depending on initial conditions and intended outcomes
prior to movement what does recognition schema do
- specifies expected sensory consequences
- evaluated feedback with respect to expected sensory consequences
- adjusts relationships once movement outcome and KR is received
movement disorders
characterized by impaired voluntary movements, presence of involuntary movements or both
examples of movement disorders
- impaired velocity
- involuntary movements
- abnormal posture
- presnese of tremor
what are movement disorders classified as
- hyperkinetic disorders
- hypokinetic disorders
motor dysfunction
movement disorder type symptoms
many studies dedicated to clinical popilation use basic motor learning tests
often as part of a battery of tests used to assess cognitive capacity
what are tests of motor control often used for
as diagnostic tools
manson et all
it is difficult, but we can gain insight from working backwards
causes of motor dysfunction
abnormalities in neural processes
- degenerative diseases
- inflammation that affects nervous system tissue
- vascular disorders that affect nervous tissue
- trauma
can people with motor dysfunction learn new motor skills
most of the previous studies focused on adaption
- many find impaired performance in acquisition of new tasks
brain ischemia or hemorrhage leading to acute neurological injury
brain clost in vessels (limited blood flow)
bursting of vessels (brain bleed)
stroke and movements disorder
fairly uncommon
motor dysfunction and stroke
examples of motor dysfunction and stroke
spasticity and flaccidity
mobility disorders
spasticity and flaccidity
changes in muscle tone
weakness (paresis)
changes in force output, strength ,and control
mobility disorders
impaired balance and sensation
vandermeern et al, 2020
- participants with stroke showed improvement in acquisition
- improvements in performance in CIRCUIT task was maintained in retention and also in transfer
vandermeern et al, 2020, stroke about improvements in retention and transfer
improvements were not directly correlated to systemic functional improvements
more results regarding vandermeeren et all
individuals with stroke can learn new motor skills with the paretic arm
- right after injury
- may be task-specific
- more variability with the stroke patients
mooney et al, 2020
- participants were able to improve their performance and show learning (not decrements in both short and long term)
- absolute score were overall lower in patients compared to healthy controls
mooney et al, 2020 and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
results suggest that inhibitory motor networks function differently in patients vs control
is leaning possible in both acute and chronic stroke patients
yes. not as much as healthy patients tho
why is stroke learning patients lesser than healthy controls
- not necessarily directed related to functional recovery
- may be associated with different neural processes
what work needs for be for understanding learning and stroke?
- optimizing feedback protocols
- different, more ecologically valid tasks
- understanding the neural basis of functional recovery
- hard problem for neuroimaging
what are chronic motor disorders
traumatic and neurodegenerative disorders
- changes in both peripheral and central NS
examples of chronic motor disorders
- mulitple sclerosis
- muscular dystrophy
- parkinsons
- spinal cord injury
- neuropathies
muscular dystrophies
group of inherited primary diseases of muscle
examples of muscular dystrophies
- progressive, chronic weakness
- pathological by degeneration of muscle fibers
- necrosis
- connective tissue infiltration
genetic disease
- easily recognizable clinical phenotype
- covers a wide range of possible pathologies
Malherios et all, 2016 results
- DMD patients had significantly lower movement times in transfer compared to the beginning of training
- some evidence that participants with DMD can learn motor skills and retain the benefits of training
about motor learning and muscular dystrophy
- stills alot of work to be done
- the sparse available evidence suggests that the ability to learn motor tasks is not impaired
motor learning and muscular dystrophy and central motor networks
- may still be intact and memory systems related to action may remain unaffected
multiple sclerosis
is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system
what is MS most common in
in young adults
multiple sclerosis etiology
- genetic, inflammation, infection, autoimmune
- relationship with gut health
clinical features of MS
- recurring episodes of demyelination and inflammation in the CNS
what MS affect
- ambulation and postural control
- vision
- sensation in limbs
- missing connection between brain and affected areas
tablerion 2020 on MS and motor learning
systemic review
tablerion 2020 results
found that upper-limb motor skill learning is conserved in people with MS (WAS NOT GOOD)
hatzitaki et al, 2006
- participants performed vasomotor tracking task by controlling shifts in posture
- completed 3 blocks of 5 training trials
resutls of hatzitaki et al, 2006
- participants with MS failed to reduce variability and retain movement control after learning
findings about MS and studies
- studies and sparse and not well related
- systematic study on task performance using both retention and transfer are needed
- some evidence that performance improvements occur in training
- slower “rate” than control
- greater variability in patients with MS
what tasks and techniques are becoming more useful in motor learning
- diagnostic tools to track progress neurorehabilitation
- brain-behaviour relationships could be established using patient population
using learning paradigms with a patient population
- allowed us to understand the role of the cerebellum in motor learning
Topka et al, 1998 results
patients with cerebellar degeneration were able to improve performance through training
- patients showed similar “savings” to healthy control
- cerebellum may play more of a role in movement execuation and motor program refinement than learning processes
by examining different parts of a trajectory
you can gain insight into the underlying mechanisms
(feedforward, and feedback process)
welsh and elliott, 2000
developmental disorder in children
- rapid correction increases error
what does motor learning and control paradigms help us with
understand neural processes, shed light onto possible causes of dysfunctino in clinical population