Week 8 Flashcards
Result of ELM
Attitude Change
Two routes
Central Route
Peripheral Route
Central Roure
Bring scrutiny to the messages and engage in issue-relevant thinking (Enduring, strong, predictive of behavior change in attitude)
Peripheral Route
Rely on cues (heuristics) not elaboration and scrutiny of the message (Temporary, weak, not predictive change in attitude)
Simple decision rules (shortcuts) that substitute the more careful analysis of persuasion messages (jingles, experts, influencers)
Heuristic- systematic model
info is processed heuristically and systematically, dual process, and they work together to minimize the effort of processing while satisfying the motivation to process
Sufficiency principle
(related to the heuristic-systematic model) exercise only sufficient processing as necessary
Sufficiency Threshold
Measures sufficiency principle- the need for cognition is satisfied
Draw and explain the ELM
look at notebook
ELM Strengths
- Focuses attention on individuals in the mass communication process
- Respect intellect and ability of media consumers
- Specifically describes the process of information processing
- Explores a wide variety of media information
- Provides consistent results across across a wide range of communication situations and settings
ELM Weaknesses
- Too micro level
- Dismisses parallel information processing
- Sacrifices testable causal relationships in favor of presenting multiple cues
- Less useful in explaining persuasive effects of entertainment media
3 dynamics for redefining the def. of advertising
- New media and formats
- New consumer behaviors
- Extended effects of advertising
Updated definition of advertising
brand-initiated communication intent on impacting people
-important because as advertising evolves so should the def.
Media and Formats Dynamic
Internet is not static
Advertising evolves with changing technology and new media
Old to new definition: “paid” &”mediated” to “Brand Related”
Consumer Behavior Dynamic
Consumers not only control whether they want to receive but they actively seek out and partake in advertising
“receiver” to “people”
Extended Effects Dynamic
Expect ELM effects to be less important in the future
Effects that account for more consumer behavior are more important
“persuade” & “take some action” to “Impact” or “effect”
Trans-parasocial relationship
interactive, reciprocal, co-created relationship followers have with influencers
Advertisement literacy
Knowledge and skill related to recognizing advertising can help think critically to reflect on persuasive attempts and resist temptation
-Children are more vulnerable because they are not ad literate and can’t detect persuasion attempts or think critically about ads