Week 11 Flashcards
cloud computing
storage of digital content including personal information-third party servers offering on demand access
uses and gratification approach
approach to media study focusing on peoples media use and the gratification they see from uses
entertainment theory
examines key psychological mechanisms underlying audiences uses and enjoyment of entertainment oriented media content
source dominated theories
message sources and content are not based on the needs and interests of audiences, ignores audiences ability to resist messages
fraction of selection
how individuals make media content choices based on expectation of reward and effort required (expectation or reward/effort required)
Revival 1 of uses and gratification
-New survey methods and data analysis techniques allowed the development of important new strategies for studying and interpreting audience uses and gratification, was made systematic and objective
-active media is a key mediating factor making effects more/less liklely
-concern over effects research
Revival 2 of uses and gratifcation
participants have control and can change roles in their mutual discourse
ability of the media user to select and tailor messages to audiences need through selectivity
audiences can receive messages anywhere at different times, manipulation of media is infinite once distributed
critiques of uses and gratification
exaggerates the amount of active use
-Activity has too many meaning
Activity meanings
3. Selectivity
4. Imperiousness
media has too many uses for people
consumption of media content can be directed by prior motivations
- Selectivity
use of media can reflect existing interests and preferences
- imperiousness to influence
audience members are obstinante (don’t want to be controlled) and avoid certain influences
what the user does
audience freedom, autonomy (uses and gratification)
Uses and gratification Strengths
- focuses attention on individuals in mass comm processes
- respects intellect and ability of media consumers
- Insightful analysis of how media content is experienced
- Difference in active vs passive users
- Studies the use of media as everyday social interaction
- provides insight into a domain of new media
Uses and gratification weaknesses
- too often assumed with functionalism
- cant address abscence or presence of effects
- key concepts are unmeasurable
- too micro level
- not associated w effects
Entertainment Theory
Process where entertainment activity is influenced, triggered, and shaped by the media product selected
-unconscious structures make us select types of entertainment content
hedonistic motivations
intentionally selecting content that seems to maintain and maximize pleasure and diminish pain
eudaemonic motivations
choosing content that provides for personal insight, self reflection
Parasocial interaction
interaction between audience members and characters in media content
mood management theory
predominate motivation for using entertainment media is to moderate/control our moods
4 media content attributes
- Excitatory potential
- Absorption power
- semantic affinity
- hedonic valence
- Excitatory potential
ability of content to arouse or calm emotion, get us excited or reduce stress
- Absorption power
content directs our thoughts away from things that induce a negative mood and towards things that induce positive feelings
- semantic affinity
degree to which entertaining content involves things similar to inducing a bad mood
- hedonic valence
potential content has to induce positive feelings
Entertainment theory Strengths
- stresses medias parasocial influence
- provides explanations why people seek entertainment from media
- expands empirical research on media effects
- useful basis for experiments
Entertainment theory Weaknesses
- accepts status quo use of entertainment
- limits minimal effects found
- ignores cumulative effects
- considers entertainment effects in isolation
analysis of the social and political context in which content is produced
consumption of media content
reception studies
how various types of audience members make sense of specific forms of content
preferred or dominant reading
In reception studies, the producer-intended meaning of a piece of content; assumed to reinforce the status quo
negotiated meaning
result when an audience member creates a personally meaningful interpretation of content that differs from the preferred reading in important ways
oppositional meaiong
the process of an audience member developing interpretations of content that are in direct opposition to a dominant reading
semantic disobedience
Individuals’ ability to reinvent or subvert media content to op- positionally redefine that content for them- selves and others.