week 8 Flashcards
What is motivation?
The process that initiates, guides, and maintains behaviours. It is the wants or needs that direct behaviour towards a goal
What are the three components of motivation?
1) Activation ( a choice to initiate that behaviour)
2) Intensity (high effort)
3) Persistence (lengthy effort)
What are the three theories of motivation?
1) Achievement Motivation Theory
2) Achievement Goal Theory
3) Self-Determination Theory
What does the Achievement Motivation theory (AMT) explain?
Achievement motivation is the motivation for accomplishment through mastery of skills.
According to Achievement motivation theory, Achievement motivation is based on…
What are the two types of personality traits that Achievement Motivation is based on?
Motive or need to achieve success (NACH)
Motive or need to avoid failure (NAF)
Does Motive to achieve success have a high or low Achievement Motivation?
Does Motive to avoid failure have a high or low Achievement Motivation?
What is the achievement motivation equation for Need to achieve success?
Ts = Mas X Ps X Is
Ts = Tendency to achieve success
Mas = Need/motive to achieve (NACH)
Ps = Probability of success
Is = Importance to achieving success
What is the achievement motivation equation for Need to avoid failure?
Tf = Maf X Pf X If
Tf = Tendency yo avoid failure
Maf = Need/motive to avoid failure tendencies
Ps = Probability of failure
Is = Importance of avoiding failure
What is a supporting study of the Achievement motivation theory?
In a number of studies involving competitive, game-like situations achievement-oriented individuals consistently showed a greater tendency to choose alternatives or perform tasks which had an intermediate probability of success
What is a criticism of the Achievement motivation theory?
- Does not specify how Mas and Maf develop
- Cannot account for cross-cultural differences
- Over emphasises personal factors as crucial
What does Achievement Goal theory (AGT) predict?
AGT predicts that achievement is linked to the type of focus people place on the goal (goal orientation)
What are the two types of goal orientation?
Task-oriented orientation (developing a skill for one’s own sake)
Ego-oriented orientation (developing a skill to beat others)
Two situational factors that achievement goal theory are…
Mastery (task involving) climate places emphasis on self-referenced improvement and cooperation
Performance (ego-involving) climate places emphasis on winning, outperforming others and reward/punishment