week 8 Flashcards
1. Describe homeostasis and regulatory mechanisms 2. Describe homeostasis of temperature 3. Describe homeostasis of water regulation 4. Describe digestion and it’s reservoirs and phases 5. Describe the correlates of hunger and satiety 6. Describe the brain mechanisms involved in hunger and satiety 7. Describe digestive behavior disorders
What is Homeostasis?
An active process to maintain a variable within a fixed range, or to maintain a set point. Coined by Walter Cannon.
What are the 4 features of the regulatory system?
System variable: variable to manipulate
Set point: optimal value of the variable
Detector: monitors the value of the variable
Correctional mechanism: restores the variable’s value to set point, if it deviates from set point
Put the 4 features of regulatory system into context of a heating system. (and negative feedback)
So we can put this into context with respect to heating up a room
in this case the system variable is air temperature, hot or cold
the set point of interest is 21 degrees Celsius
the detector is the thermostat that tells us what is the air temperature and it will tell us whether air temperature is meeting the set point this optimal value or whether it deviates from this optimal value
it’s super cold outside and the room starts to get cooler. It drops below the 21 degrees Celsius set point
the thermostat indicates that the value of air temperature has decreased it’s gotten cooler and then the correctional mechanism is activated; electrical heaters is the correctional mechanism
in order to maintain homeostasis in order to maintain balance we don’t want that heater to keep heating the room
the negative feedback comes in such that, once the air temperature is brought back up to 21 C (set point) the correctional mechanism will be shut off
What is the Negative Feedback in the regulatory process?
Negative Feedback: regulatory process that reduces discrepancies from the set point
What is Basal Metabolism?
Energy used to maintain a constant body temperature while at rest
2/3 of total energy dedicated to maintaining basal metabolism
What is Ectothermic? (hint: temperature)
Controlling temperature by relying on external sources of heat or cooling (e.g., reptiles) -> need to find sunny spot to be warm
What is Endothermic?
Controlling temperature by the body’s physiological mechanisms (e.g., humans)
In reference to Homeostatic mechanisms what part of the brain do we focus on?
When talking about homeostatic mechanisms, thermo fluid regulation and digestive behaviour. We are focusing on the hypothalamus
What part of the brain are we focusing on in relation to hemostatic mechanisms, thermoregulation, fluid regulation and digestive behaviour?
What two parts of the hypothalamus receives input from thermoreceptors?
Anterior hypothalamus & preoptic area (POA)
How does the body fight off an infection?
To fight off an infection the immune system has to activate and generate a fever which is important to fight off an infection
the hypothalamus receives input from the immune system which reacts to an infection by sending prostaglandins and histamines to the pre optic area and the hypothalamus and those chemicals cause shivering increase metabolism other processes that produce a fever.
If your body overheats then your body starts to destroy protein bonds and eventually lead to death
What were the results in rats when lesions were performed on the POA ?
POA: Lesions in rats impair physiological response → shivering, sweating, metabolism in brown tissue
They can still compensate for the lesion, they can press a lever to turn on the heat or A/C
What were the results in rats when lesions were performed on the Lateral Hypothalamus ?
Lateral Hypothalamus: Lesions in rats impair behavioural response → turning on the heater
Not able to turn on heater or A/C
What does it mean for humans to be Homeothermic?
Despite changing environments we have physiological mechanisms in place to ensure that we maintain constant body temperature
What is the reason humans are able to adjust to temperature changes in environments.
through the process of allostasis, which is similar to homeostasis
Homeostasis assumes a set point/range
Allostasis recognizes that sometimes this range may change, depending on the environment that we’re in
- Example, fluctuations in body weight, fatter in the winter vs. summer
What happens in the body when the blood temperature is below optimal temperature?
The thermoreceptors detect that the blood is cooling
Therefore sends signal to preemptive area into you hypothalamus to start a physiological response i.e., shivering
Shivering; skeletal muscles activated to generate more heat
skin blood vessels constrict blood is diverted from the skin capillaries and withdrawn to deeper tissues so moving away from the surface of the skin moving deep into deeper tissues minimizing the overall heat loss from skin surface.
Negative feedback; Body temp increases and hypothalamus heat promoting center “shuts off”
What happens in the body when the blood temperature is above optimal temperature?
The thermoreceptors detect that the blood is heating
Heat loss activation centre in hypothalamus
Therefore sends signal to preemptive area into you hypothalamus to start a physiological response i.e., sweat
perspiration we begin to sweat which vaporizes from the body heat and this helps pull down the body therefore bring body temperature back down
What kinds of temperatures can Wim Hof withstand and how?
He is able to withstand very cold temperatures
shown scientifically that the autonomic nervous system, related to the innate immune response can be willfully consciously influenced
Wim Hof has shown we can control the autonomic nervous system
That control can be used to improve mood to enhance relaxation to boost immunity to disease and to infection and to also improve physical performance.
What is the Satiety Mechanism?
A brain mechanism that causes cessation of hunger (or thirst), produced by adequate and available supplies of nutrients/energy (or water/fluid)
- monitors the correctional mechanism (ingestion)
Where is most of the water in the water contained? Where is interstitial fluid and blood plasma contained?
Water constitutes 70% of our body
Most of body water is contained within our cells = Intracellular compartment
Extracellular compartment =interstitial fluid and blood plasma