week 5 Flashcards
Associating brain and behaviour Describe stages of CNS development Discuss how experience changes the brain Describe basics of genetics and relation to behaviour Identify methods of testing genetic contribution to behaviour
How do we correlate the brain with behaviour?
Postmortem Examination [Analysis of the brain after death]
Lesion/Ablation Studies [Removing part of brain]
Brain Stimulation [Structural and Functional]
Imaging Studies [Structural and Functional]
What is the only definitive way to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease? What are some critiques of this examination?
Postmortem, we have to compare Alzheimers disease with Neurotypical brains. persons of the same age, sex and died of similar reasons
- Convenience sampling
- Issues of consent
- Issues of confounding (e.g., other trauma causing behaviour)
What is the goal of Lesion of Ablation studies?
the goal of lesion studies is to reveal what functions are performed by different regions of the brain then to understand how those functions are combined to accomplish particular behaviors and so you can remove or destroy parts of the brain and then observed subsequent behaviour
How is Lesion or Ablation Studies used with animals?
Animal research using a stereotaxic instrument
- Stereotaxis: ability to locate objects in space
- Electrical current through stainless steel wire using a radio frequency which kills the cells in the region of the brain, but not super accurate, kills cells around
- Excitotoxic lesion by injecting a compound, kills cells in that region while sparing cells around it, more accurate
What is the importance of lesion or ablation studies?
Ablation studies can be effective using particular techniques to minimize or to improve the quality of life of some patients … seizures
Can we create lesions in a healthy human brain?
No, instead we stimulate and deactivate parts of the brain instead - TMS
What is Transcranial magnetic Stimulation (TMS)?
Inactivation of neurons using magnetic field placed on the scalp – coil produces small electrical current over the brain
Important to ensure not lesioning important structures during surgery
Not precise, but provided interesting way to map function along the cortical surface of the brain to behaviour
How can we correlate the brain and behaviour in real time, not waiting for the person to die?
Computerised Axial Tomography (CT/CAT) Scan
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
What are the 3 different way s we can “slice the brain” when imaging? (CT/CAT and MRI)
Coronal section; dorsal and ventral split
Horizontal section; posterior and anterior
Mid-sagittal; along the mid-section
What does a CAT scan do?
Injection of contrast agent
3D image created by rotating X-ray scans
Series of slices that are put together to form a 3-D image of the brain
good for bones
What does an MRI scan do?
good for soft tissue
this machine assesses this interaction between the human body and a powerful magnetic field
Use of static Magnetic field (1.5 Tesla - 11T)
60% of our body is made up of water, the magnetic field is going to interact with the H20 in the brain
Water molecules (hydrogen atoms) align with the magnetic field
Add radiofrequency/electromagnetic pulse (coils) to perturb oscillation
Turn pulse off and atoms to create ENERGY (radio wave)
- Frequency of these waves show the image
Why can a CAT scan be considered dangerous?
Too many CAT scans within a year involves a lot of radiation throughout the body
How can we record brain acidity during behaviour?
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Electroencephalograph (EEG)
Functional MRI (fMRI)
What is a Positron emission tomography (PET)?
Record brain activity during behaviour
Injection of radioactive tracer.
- participants are injected with a tracer that’s analog to glucose, glucose is a primary source of energy in the brain and so brain parts of the brain that are highly active will have more energy or more glucose.
- Metabolic activity.
What is a Electroencephalograph (EEG)?
Record brain activity during behaviour
Record from scalp, low resolution.
- Looking at cortical structures
Voltage fluctuations - ERP, movement of neurons
What is a Functional MRI (fMRI)?
Record brain activity during behaviour
Change in blood flow to activated areas.
BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) response
What tissue does the CNS develop from? And name the other 2 germ layers.
16 days post fertilisation the embryo’s cells belong to one of 3 germ layers:
Endoderm[lining tissues of spaces in the body], Mesoderm [muscle and connective tissues], Ectoderm [outer layer, skin and nervous system]
Nervous system develops from ectoderm tissue
Describe the development of the CNS during the primary neurulation.
Primary neurulation: ~ 0-4 weeks formation of the neural tube
ectoderm tissues develops a neuroectoderm which becomes the neural plate, which begins to change shape folding inwards, the folds fuse towards which creates the neural tube
Describe the development of the CNS during the secondary neurulation.
Secondary neurulation: ~4th week, neural tube differentiates into 3 interconnected chambers
Primary vesicles: Forebrain, Midbrain, Hindbrain
We go from 3 primary vesicles into five secondary brain vesicles
Forebrain -> telencephalon and Diencephalon
Midbrain -> Mesencephalon
Hindbrain -> Metencephalon and Myelencephalon
State all 4 stages of the neurogenesis stage of the development of the CNS.
~ 8 weeks structures of the CNS are formed, but amount of cells and tissue rapidly increases… through NEUROGENESIS[birth of neurons]
*neurogenesis continues during life, but here is the developmental window where we see extensive growth of the brain
Stages of Neurogenesis: Proliferation Migration Differentiation Myelination & Synaptogenesis
Describe the Proliferation stage of Neurogensis.
Proliferation Stage: Production of new cells, these new cell are produced from the ventricular zone
Ventricular zone: A layer of cells that line the inside of the neural tube
Progenitor cells(arise from the ventricular zone): undifferentiated cells that divide and give rise to the CNS
How are the two forms of division the progenitor cells (cells of the ventricular zone) undergo?
Symmetrical division: each cell division gives rise to two identical cells; increases the size of the ventricular zone and the brain that develops from it
Asymmetrical division: cell division that gives rise to another progenitor cell and a neuroblast which then differentiates into glia cell OR neuron, which migrates away from the ventricular zone towards its final resting place in the brain
what do Asymmetrical division give rise to?
Radial glia cells = glia that offer scaffolding to migrating neuroblasts (and intermediate progenitor cells)
Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells =migrate to the end of radial glia, just inside pia, important for radial migration of neurons
Migrating neuroblasts, migrate up the glial fiber and find the particular layer they are supposed to stay in and differentiate from there
what is the “Inside-out” development?
Each new cell to be produced must pass through all the cells that came before it