WEEK 7.2 Flashcards
‘to devote oneself to, work hard at’; (as noun) ‘task, business’
務 wù
to obtain, capture’
獲 huò
‘to observe’
觀 guān
‘to alter, adapt, change’
改 gǎi
‘to arise, begin, become active; start, instigate, create, compose’
作 zuò
‘to offend against, encroach, violate, commit (a crime)’
犯 fàn
‘to marry’ (said of a woman), ‘marry off (a daughter)’
嫁 jià
‘to sit; occupy (a place or position), dwell’
居 jū
‘to recognize, be acquainted with, understand’
識 shí (shì)
‘to end, finish’; (as adjunct) ‘to the end of, from beginning to end, throughout’; (as adverb) ‘in the end, finally, to the end, [not] ever’
終 zhōng
‘to be thirsty’
渴 kě
‘to attack (an enemy state, etc.); to chop (wood, etc.)’
伐 fá
‘to resent, hate’
怨 yuàn
‘to harm, kill, murder’
害 hài
‘to apologize, decline, thank’
謝 xiè
‘to shoot (with bow and arrow)’
射 shè
‘to strike, beat, attack’
擊 jī
‘to nurture, support, keep, raise’
養 yǎng
‘to rise; to raise; to initiate, set in motion; to flourish’
興 xīng