WEEK 6.1 Flashcards
‘to accord with, obey’
順 shùn
‘to repeat, practise, be accustomed to, familiar with’
習 xí
‘to extinguish, destroy, exterminate’
滅 miè
‘to write’; (as noun) ‘writings, document, letter, book; the Book of Documents (尚書 Shàng shū)’
書 shū
‘to be sufficient, enough’; (as auxiliary verb) ‘enough to be …-ed, worth being …-ed’ (makes verb following it passive)
⾜ zú
‘to lose, lose control of, miss, fail’
失 shī
‘be exhausted, used up, gone; exhaust, use up, use to the fullest;’ (as adverb): ‘exhaustively, entirely, all’
盡 jìn
‘decline, refuse, excuse oneself; take leave of’; (as noun) ‘words, speech’
辭 cí
‘to increase’; (as adverb) ‘increasingly, even more’; (as noun) ‘benefit, advantage’
益 yì
‘to remonstrate’ (protest)
諫 jiàn
‘be connected, unobstructed; be conversant in, know all about; have (illicit) relations with’
通 tōng
‘to fall, drop’
落 luò
‘some, someone, perhaps’
或 huò
各 gè
‘which, who’
孰 shú
‘then, immediately’ (similar to modern 就 jiù); (in nominal sentences, comparable to modern 就是): ‘is precisely, is exactly’; (as verb): ‘approach, go to’ (卽位 ‘assume the throne’)
卽(即) jí