Week 7 - Principles of Occlusal Equilibration Flashcards
What are the goals of occlusal Equilibration
- To improve functional and esthetic relationships between maxillary and mandibular teeth
- To eliminate TMD
When should you perform permanent occlusal therapy?
Only when significant evidence exists to support that the occlusal condition is an etiological factor
What are difference ways to perform occlusal therapy?
Selective grinding
Fixed prosthodontics
Orthodontic therapy
Orthognathic surgery
Orthognatic surgery
A combination of ortho and surgery
What are factors influencing treatment planning?
Symptoms Condition of the dentition Systemic health Esthetics Finances
Vertical overlap
The functional cusps of teeth overlap
- buccal slope of maxillary lingual cusp
- lingual slope of the mandibular buccal cusp
What is the rule of thirds
divide the slopes of the cusps into 1/3s, and whichever 1/3 the contact is in will tell us what sort of therapy to do
Contact is in the inner 1/3
Selective grinding can help
Contact is in the middle 1/3
Fixed prosthodontics can help
Contact is in the outer 1/3
May need ortho
Selective grinding
A procedure by which the occlusal surfaces of the teeth are altered to improve the overall contact pattern
Appropriate only when alterations of the tooth surfaces are minimal so that all corrections can be made within the enamel structure
Selective grinding on shorter cusp slides
More likely can be accomplished within the confines of the enamel
Selective grinding on longer cusp slides (with flatter teeth)
Becomes more difficult to eliminate the interference within the confines of the enamel
Grinding rule when there is deviation forward on closing
Grinding rule when there is deviation toward cheek when closing
Grinding rule when there is a deviation toward the tongue
Grinding rule with non-working interferences
Grinding rule with working interferences
Grinding rule with protrusive interferences