week 7: neurological sys and mental health Flashcards
spinal cord
Brain: Cerebral cortex
frontal lobe
parietal lobe
occipital lobe
temporal lobe
bronca’s area
wernicke’s area
cerebral cortex: frontal lobe
Personality, behaviour, emotions, intellect, voluntary movement (precentral gyrus)
cerebral cortex: parietal lobe
cerebral cortex: occipital lobe
cerebral cortex: temporal lobe
auditory, smell, taste
cerebral cortex: broca’s area
in frontal lobe, controls speech production
expressive aphasia: person can’t talk, produces garbled sound
cerebral cortex: wernicke’s area
top of temporal lobe, controls speech comprehension
receptive aphasia: person can’t understand language
basal ganglia
Bands of grey matter deep in brain; has motor function
Primary relay system of the brain; messages btwn/ brain and spinal cord
Controls vital, homeostatic functions (heart rate, temp, BP), autonomic response and pituitary gland
Motor coordination, equilibrium (body balance), muscle tone
brainstem + components
Central core of the brain, nerve fibres, cranial nerves
Midbrain: Most anterior; merges into thalamus/hypothalamus, has motor neurons/tracts
Pons: Has ascending/descending fibre tracts (messages to/from brain/body)
Medulla Oblongata: Continuation of spinal cord; also has ascending/descending tracts but also vital autonomic centres (respiratory, cardiac, GI), cranial nerves
If this breaks, you’re dead
spinal cord
Has ascending and descending tracts; connects to the cranial nerves
Sends messages/sensations from the body to the brain, reacts in motor ways
Looks like a butterfly in cross section, mediates reflexes
pathways of CNS**
Sensory Pathways: Sends messages to the brain; afferent fibres
Spinothalamic Tract: Deals with crude/light touch; pain and temperature
Posterior/Dorsal Columns: Deals with finely localized touch (stereognosis, identifying objects by touch without looking); position (in 3D space), vibration
Motor Pathways:Sends messages from the brain; efferent fibres
Pyramidal Tract: Fine voluntary movement (writing)
Extrapyramidal Tract: Gross voluntary movement (walking)
Cerebellar System: Coordination and Posture (subconscious)
Peripheral Nervous System:
Reflex Arc: Basic defense mechanisms of the nervous system; involuntary, unconscious
Deep Tendon (Myotatic): Ex., knee jerk/patellar, biceps, achilles, triceps
Superficial: Ex., corneal reflex, abdominal
Visceral (Organic): Pupillary response/light accommodation
Pathological: Abnormal; ex., seeing Babinski reflex in adults
I Olfactory
Smell - Only tested if smell is lost; close one nostril and sniff two different, familiar smells, change nostril between smells
II Optic
Visual acuity, fields, optic disc
III Oculomotor
Eyelids, Pupillary light response, field of gaze
IV Trochlear
Inward/Down Eye movements; III, IV, VI tested together
V Trigeminal
Jaw muscles, touch forehead/cheek/chin
VI Abducens
Lateral eye movement
VII Facial
Facial muscles, tastes
VIII Acoustic or Vestibulocochlear
Hearing and Balance
IX Glossopharyngeal
Pharynx (swallowing, speaking), gag reflex, taste of back tongue