week 7 Migration, displacement & resettlement Flashcards
Transition theory definition
assumption that transition is not always predictable or sequential.
Involves changes to social, cultural, economic and environment aspect of the migrant’s life
What support successful transition
knowledge of the transition supports realistic expectations
what will working in Canada be like?
Acculturation theory definition
involves social and psychological exchanges through contacts between individuals of different cultural that result in change in both groups. A dynamic process of adaptation
What factors support acculturation
integration instead of isolation
Interactional, integration instead of isolation
if you avoid interactions - you are less successful.
Transitions theory –>
Assumptions that transition are NOT always predictable or SEQURNTIAL. process occurs over time, involves development or change from one state to another.
Compare transitions vs. acculturation
transitions is MORE INDIVIDUAL than the acculturation theory
Factors influencing transition:
Personal, community & societal context = main factors influencing transition.
- Expectations
- Perceptions of experience
- Level of knowledge & skills
- level of preparation & planning
- emotional & physical wellbeing
Unrealisitically high expectations is bad. Positive relationship between social resource & psychological well being
supports from origin cultural, family, friends, settlement in the form of community supports & policies are important
Accultural theory definition
involves social & psychological exchanges through contacts BETWEEN individuals of different cultures that result in changes in both groups. A dynamic process of a adaptation.
Accultural = INTERACTIONAl
Transition =
What is acculturation
they dynamic process of adaptation to stress and the development of coping mechanisms in response to stress
psychological successful adaptations
gaining a sense of well-being or self-esteem
Sociocultural acculturation
development of relationship to others in new society or competency in the activities of daily living in a new culture.
What is the emphasis of acculturation theory
migrant’s personal choices, personality variable & attitudes along with social factors
Migrants may seek to engage in the process of acculturation through:
Marginalization, assimilation, separation or integration
What is marginalization
negative impacts on acculturation –> exclusive & dysfunctional or deviant behaviours
what is integrated
some degree of origin cultures, strive to be part of larger cultures –> fosters inclusion, positive behaviours & satisfaction with health & well-being
Factors influencing acculturation
1) Personal choices are not the sole factor determining the form of acculturation strategy - Social variables & circumstances also influence the acculturation process
2) Under similar circumstances, individuals who are more OPEN-MINDED, more chance to integrate, but only if they are free to make choices and host societies practice cultural diversity
3) Migrants adopt basic values of their new society when they are provided with this freedom through education, health and labour to accommodate emigrant needs
4) psychological adaptations
5) Sociocultural adaptations
6) Economic adaptations
7) personal factors
8) Individuals with greater internal control, self-efficacy and personal or cultural identity are more prone to successful integration
What are the psychological adaptations for acculturation theory
Psychological wellbeing influenced by personality variables, life change events, social support
What sociocultural adaptations are involved in acculturation theory
how well the individuals are able to manage their daily lives in a new cultures & can be altered by CULTURAL KNOWEDGE, DEGREE OF CONTACT, ATTITUDE OF HOST, ATTITUDE OF NEW MEMBER
what economic adaptations are involved with acculturation theory
level of satisfaction with an occupation that has been obtained in the new culture.
Related to motivation, perception of deficiency and status los on entry to workplace
Unsuccessful adaptation at psychological, sociocultural, or economic levels leads to
perceived marginalization
personal crises (anxiety, depression)
What personal factors affect acculturation
1 - personality type (introversion vs. extroversion)
2 - locus of control
3 - self-efficacy
4 - Self-identity (personal and cultural)
5 - willingness to change - influencing factors that are commonly shared by all forms of adaptation
Acculutration theory is ….
MORE PERSONAL than contextual
Transition theory is …..
MORE CONTEXTUAL than personal
Personal &contextual influences of integration
- Personality type
- Attitudes
- Motivation
- Locus of Control
- Self-identity
- Self-efficacy
- Political
- Sociocultural
- Economic
- Social support
Personal & contextual influences of transition
- Sociocultural
- environemntal
- economic
- policies
- social system
- skills
- preparation
- physical
- emotional
differences between the theories
- IN TRANSITION THEORY: migration is considered to be a change where success is determined by an individual’s ability to FUNCTION IN A NEW ROLE.
- IN ACCULTURATION THEORY: migration is considered to be a STRESSOR WHERE SUCCESS IS DETERMINED BY an individuals ability to adapt to stress
- migration is the physical relocation
- Acculturation is the psychological adjustment to relocation
both transitional & acculturational theories propose this
CREATING SOCIAL AWARENESS - promote cultural diversity & hold gov’t accountable to the wellbeing of it’s immigrants.
society & communities levels can lead to successful migrant transitions
transition theory suggests:
that increasing the amount of info about the transition process, managing emotions, increasing self-esteem will increase the change of healthy transition by fostering realistic perceptions
Acculturation theory suggests:
Supports the notion that cognitive & behavioural therapy that focuses on individual variables can be useful in promoting successful transition (individual therapy, group counselling, self-direct resources such as books or computer programs)
Research implications of transition & acculturation
Provide policy makers with evidence concerning the mechanism of conditions that support or hinder the process of successful transition
-personal variables support before departure
clinical implications
providing well-planned interventions, referral & advocacy
understanding acculturation can be a step toward promoting culturally competent care & improving the health of migrants.
positive psychology - positive thinking & motivation strategies can increase a migrant’s sense of resiliency and help improve their problem-solving skills and ability to deal with changes
adaptation behaviours ARE NOT SOLELY PESONAL, they can be improved using a psycho-social interventions along with interventions at the community & society levels