Week 7 - Legislation in Mental Health Flashcards
Sets out circumstances for treating mental health patients and establishing rights and protection
What year is the current Mental Health Act from which is used in QLD
Why is the Mental Health Act important?
- Protection of rights
- To clearly define who is subject to the Act
- Ensure patients are reviewed
- Public and personal safety
Improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of persons who have a mental illness who do not have the capacity to consent to be treated
QLD Mental Health Act 2016
Admitted by own choice to a treatment centre to receive treatment for your mental illness
Voluntary Patient
Given the treatment required even if not consented.
Involuntary Patient
Instruction that a person makes now about their future medical treatment or health care in the event he or she loses capacity to make decisions
Advanced Directives
Safe guards of rights and liberties of a person who has a mental illness and promotes the recovery of a person who has a mental illness and the persons ability to live in the community, without the need for involuntary treatment
Least Restrictive Care
Presumed to have capacity to make decisions about their treatment and care,
Patient Rights
A condition characterised by a clinically significant disturbance of thought, mood, perception or memory
Mental Illness
Capacity to consent may affected by
- The person has a mental illness
- The person does not have capacity to consent
- Not treating the person will result in serious harm
A person can be detained under a Mental Health Act under what circumstances?
When they meet the criteria for an emergency action order
Mental health legislation in Australia allows for treatment of?
Ant mental illness
Can nurses put someone under the Mental Health Act?
- If the person is already in a mental health facility
- If the nurse is an authorised health practitioner
The main objective of QLD 2016 Act are?
- Improve and maintain the health and wellbeing of persons who have a mental illness who do not have the capacity to consent to be treated
- Enable persons to be diverted from the criminal justice system if found to have been of unsound mind at the time of committing an unlawful act or to be unfit for trial
- To protect the community if persons diverted from the criminal justice system may be at risk of harming others